Grandma Melanie (Contestshipping)

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Milani: we go.

Drew: You have another oneshot that is apparently for the challenge. Well...obviously the challenge has something to do with making a number of oneshots for a certain amount of time, but what's the purpose?

Milani: Secret.

Drew: Ah sheesh.

Gary: WOO! We've reached 5K reads! *pops confetti*

Milani: Hey! I pop the confetti!

Gary: Too bad. Anyway...who's making the oneshot?

Jace: Yo.

Drew: Dude, I returned your bass.

Milani: Drew, you idiot. Jace is responsible for this oneshot!

Jace: Right you are, Melanie.

Milani: That's it. I've always wanted to use this baby. *whacks Jace with mallet*

Jace: *evades the mallet* missed me.

Milani: Wha...but I could have sworn I hit...whoops.

Gary: *unconscious*

Milani: Apparently mallets are attracted to Gary.

Jace: Enjoy the oneshot.


May entered the ramen shack and noticed the all the tables were filled. The shack was having an all-you-can eat special for two hours, so of course she won't let that get away.

She then noticed an old lady alone at her table.

Well...better than missing out on the special, right?

"Excuse me, ma'am." May said to the old lady. "May I sit with you?"

"Sure thing." The old lady answered as May took her seat.

"Thanks. My name is May, by the way." May said.

"Nice to meet you, May. People call me Grandma Melanie." The old lady – Grandma Melanie – said.

"Nice to meet you too, Grandma Melanie." May said.

"Ah. daughter-in-law's name is May too." Grandma Melanie said.

"That's nice. I bet your son is a very lucky guy then." May said.

"Oh indeed he is. You have no idea how long my son took to just confess to that daughter-in-law of mine." Grandma Melanie said.

"How long?" May asked.

"Years. They've been rivals for such a long time. During that time, they have developed a friendship, which turned into romance." Grandma Melanie answered.

"It's a good thing they both like each other. know, Grandma Melanie, I'm curious about YOUR love life. Mind sharing?" May said.

"Oh dear...if you promise to share yours, I'll share mine." Grandma Melanie said.

"Um...I don't really have a love life." May said.

" there a guy you really, really like?" Grandma Melanie asked.

"There is..." May said softly.

"Then tell me all about him!" Grandma Melanie said.

" tell me your love story, Grandma Melanie." May said.

Grandma Melanie paused for a while as she thought of what to say.

" I met him back when I travelled the Johto region." Grandma Melanie started off.

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