Treasure Hunt (Soulsilvershipping)

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YO! So...the Pokémon Peepz won't do the intro this time because they were too dang exhausted after all their truth or dare craze (you know exactly what happened if you've read that on Stuck with them Pokémon Peeps). So...yeah. ELEMENO IS BACK WITH THE INTRO!

The ship and the general plot were requested by MayxDrew83. I hope this won't disappoint.

Anyway...enjoy the oneshot! Leh go!


(Lyra's POV – 5 years old)

Well this is gonna be a fun day!

It's time for the treasure hunt! Yay!

Mommy and some of her friends set up a little treasure hunt for me, Jonny, Shana and some other kids. Awesome!

Okay...I'm not sure if it will be awesome.

We're usually in groups of threes whenever we do treasure hunts, and I'm usually with Jonny and Shana. They are two of my closest friends, but they're like super close. I'm like the third wheel to them.

Oh well. It's better than being stuck with no one.

"Hey kids! Welcome to another treasure hunt!" One of the moms announced. "We'll do something different for this one! We will only work in pairs!"

I immediately looked at Shana, but when I saw her, she had her arm linked on Jonny already.

I looked at the other kids and saw that they were all paired up. Am I the only one without a pair? Seriously?!

"Mommy!" I yelled as I ran to my mom.

"What's wrong, Lyra?" Mommy asked.

"I don't have a partner. Jonny and Shana are already paired up with each other." I answered.

"Don't worry, Lyra. The reason why we did pairs is because Athena's nephew is here to join us. You can be his partner." Mommy said.

"Yay!" I cheered.

Hmm...I'm sure Athena is the mom of someone in the group, but I don't remember who.

Mommy and I approached them. I saw Athena with a boy with red hair.

"Liza? Is something the matter?" Athena asked.

"Lyra doesn't have a pair, so she'll pair up with your nephew!" My mom answered.

"That's amazing!" Athena said. "Lyra, this is my nephew, Silver. Silver, that's Lyra. She'll be your partner."

"Nice to meet you, Silver!" I said cheerfully.

"Hi." Silver shyly said.

"Do you want to be my partner for the treasure hunt?" I asked.

"Sure." Silver said.

"Okay. You two have fun!" Mommy told us.

And Silver and I went off to find some treasure!


(Silver's POV)

"Yay! I found the bag of cookies!" Lyra cheered. "Now we have only one item left to find!"

"Super smooth white rock." I said.

"I know exactly where to find it!" Lyra said as she dragged me to a dense forest.

We were walking and walking, but there were no smooth white rocks.

"Lyra, are you sure you know where you're going?" I asked.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now