A Flat Tire Led To This (Contestshipping)

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For the first time in forever, Drew decided to join his family for a little trip to Oldale Town. He was riding in the van with his cousins, Milani and Meriel, his mother, Rosalie, and his aunt, Sophia. Drew didn’t really like being the only guy there. Technically, they do have a male driver, but he just drives the van. Drew would be in charge of carrying all the stuff they would be shopping.

Drew didn’t want to be in the trip at first since he feels like it gets in the way of his training, but he was forced to by his mom so that he could spend time with the family.

One thing Drew liked about his family is that there weren’t very talkative, so traveling was very peaceful. They weren’t the kind of people who would play a song and then sing to it loudly and off-key. They would just mind their own business during the trip. His aunt would read a book, his mom would read the guide book, Meriel would be asleep the whole time, and Milani would take pictures of Meriel sleeping. Drew would take naps every once in a while. Good thing Milani didn’t sit next to him.

“Only an hour before we get to Oldale Town, kids!” Rosalie announced. Suddenly, the van stopped. “Or…maybe be not. What happened?”

“I’ll go check it out.” The driver said as he went out the car. He examined it and saw the problem. “Ah. It looks like we’ve got ourselves a flat tire.”

“A flat tire? No way!” Sophia said. “Do you have a spare?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t. I just used the spare tire last week.” The driver answered.

“Oh great. Now what do we do?” Rosalie asked.

“Looks like we’ll have to push the car to the city.” The driver replied.

“Ok. Kids! Get out of the car.” Sophia called.

“Coming mommy.” Milani said.

“Wh-what happened?” Meriel asked as she slowly opened her eyes.

“We got a flat tire, sleepy head.” Milani replied.

“Wow, Milani. Hard to believe you’re the younger sister.” Drew commented as the three went outside. Milani ignored Drew.

“Ok…so we’re going to have to push the van until we get to a town.” Rosalie said.

“How long before we get there?” Milani asked.

“Not that long. In fact, we’re almost at Petalburg City.” The driver answered.

“Ok, kids. Start pushing!” Sophia said as they pushed the van. “Meriel, more power in pushing!”

“Yes mom.” Meriel said as she put more effort in pushing, but it didn’t do much change.

Around 10-15 minutes later, they finally arrived in Petalburg City. They all stopped pushing and took a breather.

“I guess we could leave the van here. I’ll go around town to find the tire shop.” The driver said.

“Let’s go grab something to eat first.” Sophia said.

“Yeah! I’m super hungry!” Milani said.

“I’m super sleepy.” Meriel said.

“Sleepy? You were asleep the entire trip.” Milani teased. Meriel ignored her.

“Hmm…and we could do some shopping later. Besides, I’ve never been to Petalburg before, and the ruins in Oldale aren’t going anyway.” Rosalie said.

Drew didn’t like the sound of shopping. It was the last thing he wanted them to do.

“Can I not go to the mall?” Drew asked.

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