CPCQ Challenge: Videos

492 17 3

Drew: Is it my turn to talk?

Gary: It is.

Paul: No.

Ash: It is!

Drew: Okay. It's my turn to share my oneshot! Enjoy! This will contain some Wishfulshipping.


Clemont was working on a very special invention when suddenly...

"HEEEEEEEEEEY! ELEGENIUS!" Someone entered as he entered Clemont's lab.

"Barry, I told you not to call me that." Clemont said.

"Ban me from calling you that and I'm fining you." Barry said.

"You're ridiculous." Clemont said as he continued working on his invention.

"What are you working on anyway?" Barry asked.

"A special video recorder and player for Cilan's wedding reception. It can record videos by pressing the red button, and it can play the videos saved by pressing the yellow button. It acts like a projector. Plus, you can even put some videos here through Bluetooth." Clemont answered.

"Awesome! What kind of videos are you gonna play?" Barry asked.

"Hmm...I don't know. I'll be giving this to Ash and he will put in all the videos. " Clemont answered.

"COOL! I CAN'T WAIT!!!" Barry excitedly said. "OH! How about adding a motion detector?"

"Great idea, Barry!" Clemont said.


At the wedding reception...

Clemont and Barry ate some of the finger food given there as they waited for the video presentation.

"Let's hear it for Ash!" Cress said as Ash stood and took the microphone.

"Thanks, Cress. So...uh...I prepared a little video presentation for Cilan and Iris! I shared so much awesome memories when I traveled Unova with them. Not to mention, they wouldn't have met if it weren't for me. HAHA!" Ash said. "Anyway...before I play the video, I just want to thank my friend, Clemont, for making the video player. So...here we go!"

Ash pressed the yellow button as the projector part of the video player flashed.

However...the first video wasn't really as expected...

It was Barry and Clemont.

"What?!" Barry said in surprise.

"Whoops. I forgot to put a delete option in that player." Clemont said.

(Words in video shall be italicized)

Barry: Hey! Hey! Hey!

Clemont: What's up people?!

Barry: They call me Mr. Fine.

Clemont: And I'm the Geek Freak!

Barry: They say I'm insane.

Clemont: I don't make a gain.

Barry: They hatin' on me!

Clemont: But I'm just doing me!

Barry: I'm awesome!

Clemont: Super duper awesome!

The crowd started to laugh while Barry and Clemont were hiding.

"This is so embarrassing." Clemont said.

Barry: Science is amazing!

Clemont: So amazing Barry won't be fining.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now