Heartbreak Girl

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Drew: Ok guys...Milani still isn't here. We need to have this meeting before she gets home.

Gary: K.

Paul: Whatever.

Drew: So...it's Milani's birthday this Saturday...and I think we should do something special for her.

Ash: Birthday oneshot!

Drew: We can do that.

Shiela: HIIIIIIII!!!!!

Drew: Shiela.

Shiela: I'm so in on your plan.

Drew: Uh...sure.

Shiela: COOL!

Jace: Drew, my bass?

Drew: I'm gonna use it for this oneshot.

Jace: Eh?

Drew: It's like a live oneshot.

Jace: Ok. So...how come...

Milani: *enters room* What's up, my peeps?

Drew: Hey, Lani.

Ash: Milani! How was internship today?

Milani: More pro-boxing.

Drew: With Shana and Carrie?

Milani: Nope. I was with Jonny today.

Drew: Oh. Someone got to spend time with her ex-crush today.

Milani: Haha. Funny, Drew. Actually...the funny thing that happened today was that almost everyone there found him so adorable.

Jace: Is he really as cute as what the other people say?

Milani: Oh...and another thing, I can't believe one of the workers teased me with Jonny.

Drew: As did everyone in the past.

Milani: Yah. But they know about his thing with Shana. And they be like, 'Will you ever date Milani if in case Shana breaks your heart?'

Drew: And what did he say?

Milani: He didn't really give an answer, but signs point to no.

Jace: Melanie, Drew has a oneshot that is live.

Milani: Oh...I'm sorry, Jake. I was just telling about my day.

Jace: Why the heck do you ramble about your ex-crush anyway? I mean...seriously?

Milani: It was just awkward today, okay. I even had to lie that I never had a crush in our school so that they won't make an even bigger issue between us.

Drew: It was already a big issue before.

Jace: Ok...Milani, get over it already. That was just all for fun. Don't make a big deal about it.

*everyone becomes silent*

Drew: Wait...did Jace actually call her Milani and not Melanie?

Ash: Yup.

Jace: Um...guys? The oneshot? This intro is taking long.

Drew: It's a songfic...well...a song. It's a just a song.

May: Hey! We were told of a live oneshot today.

Drew: Oh...and May is here that means we can start.

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