Reunion (Rocketshipping)

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To protect the world from devastation

To unite all peoples within our nation

To denounce the evils of truth and love

To extend our reach to the stars above



Team Rocket blast off to the speed of light

Surrender now or prepare to fight

Meowth! That’s right!

Ah…the memories of before. The times when we were livin’ the lives of criminals. We spent years following that twoip with a Pikachu, but we always fail.

We thought that we lived to do evil, but in the end, it’s not really the best life.

Our ways changed when the twoip and his pals went to take down the boss once and for all. We were about to help the boss, but we overheard that the boss was going to drop us since he doesn’t want ‘incompetent fools’ to rot in his squad. Man, we were mighty disappointed. We dropped our Team Rocket uniforms, and we helped out the twoips. When they faced Giovanni, we decided to help out. They called us traitors, but they were gonna drop us anyway.

And after that…Team Rocket was taken down. We were about to be taken away as well, but the twoips said that we were innocent. We decided to live normal, but separate lives.

I saw on TV that Jess is pushing through as a Pokémon Coordinator, and she’s finally winning some contests. She still wears crazy outfits, but she now uses her real name instead of being Jessebella, Jessica, The Jester, or Jessilina.

James, on the other hand…I don’t know what he’s been up to. No way had he decided to come home to get forcibly wed to Jessiebelle. I hope he’s doing well for himself.

And me, I’m just a talking Meowth woikin’ on a ramen shack.

Hmm…to think, it’s been 10 years since I last saw the guys.

“Excuse me…” a young girl, around 5 years old, said as she sat on the booth. “I’d lack some beef ramen, please.”

“Comin’ right up!” I said enthusiastically.

I skillfully sliced the noodles and placed them in the boiling broth. I added the other ingredients.

“Voila! A pipin’ hot ramen for a cute little girl!” I said as I served the ramen to the kiddo. Man, something about her is so familiar. She’s like two familiar things joint into one.

“Thank you! It’s time to eat!” The girl cheerfully said.

“Joyce, dear! Are you in here?” A man…with a familiar voice said. He entered and I saw the familiar guy.

“James!” I said aloud.

“Meowth! I can’t believe you’re working here.” James said.

“Daddy! I didn’t know you know this nice ramen Meowth.” The little girl, Joyce, said. Man…to think…Jimmy has a child of his own. Wait…don’t tell me he really got married to Jessiebelle!

“Ah. Joyce, dear, Meowth is an old friend of me and mommy.” James answered. “Meowth, this is my darling Joyce.”

Wait…a friend of his and the mom?

“James! Joyce! There you are!” A familiar female voice said as she entered the shack.

“Jess! It’s you!” I said aloud.

“Meowth! I can’t believe it’s you!” Jessie said as we pulled into a hug.

We pulled out of the hug…and I realized something.

“WAIT! Yous mean that yous guys got hitched without inviting me?! Since when?!” I yelled.

“Around 5 years ago. Sorry, Meowth, that we didn’t tell you sooner.” Jessie said.

“You tell me!” I yelled.

“You see, Meowth. When my parents found out that Team Rocket disbanded, they did everything in their power to bring me back home. I was hiding from them when Jessie saw me. When we decided to get married, we didn’t tell anyone since I don’t want anyone to know. We wanted to tell you, but we had no idea where you were.” James said.

And we all kept talking until the wee hours. They would talk about how wonderful the married life is and also how amazing their daughter, Joyce, is. We also talked about the good ol’ times.

To think…these two guys who I traveled with are finally united by marriage. I’m happy for them, because they’re happy. I mean, these guys are my best friends. They’re in my team.

Jess, James, yous guys are the best. And Joyce, don’t make the foolish mistakes we did. I’m sure your parents will treat you right.

Soon, the guys left, but they promised they’d visit more often. They better.

I wonder…when will the lovebug strike for me? Sure…I’ve fallen in love lots of times, but none were successful. Oh well…patience is a virtue they say.

Ya know…this day is one of the best days ever. It was supposedly a normal day at the ramen shack, but it ended up being a happy reunion with me and my best pals.

The best things definitely come when you least expect it.

Hmm…maybe that’s what Jess and James experienced. They traveled together for a long time, but neither of them considered a romantic relationship with each other. And yet, here they are happily married.

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