Secret Location (Contestshipping)

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Milani: and some friends are planning to have a band.

Drew: Oh please no.

Milani: Drew, you can be our bass player.

Drew: No. I'm so over that.

Milani: Fine. I'll just learn how to bass guitar myself. Except I don't have one. Where's yours?

Drew: I don't have one.

Milani: You had one in the oneshot.

Drew: The heck? That was YOUR story.

Milani: Oh well. Anyway...this oneshot is my take to what happened to May in the last oneshot. Some of you guys already gave your takes through the comments, and honestly this one is pretty much similar.

Drew: You're predictable.

Milani: Well...most of my readers are Contestshippers, so that's what they'll expect.

Drew: would you call your band?

Milani: Enjoy the oneshot! Here is another Contestshipping story for you guys!

In the last oneshot...

May and Max arrived at the port.

May continued walking to the research facility while Max stopped as he noticed a girl with yellow hair sitting alone at the pier.

Max blushed as he saw her.

'Well...she's cute...' Max thought.

He ignored the fact that his sister had left him already. He just approached the yellow-haired girl.

May continued to walk as she was in awe by the forest-y vibe surrounding the research facility. She ignored the fact that she had left behind her brother.

"Wow. This place is awesome. I wonder if there's a place here where I can watch the show." May said, talking to herself.

However, behind the bushes, someone was watching her.

'Wait...what is May doing here? Whoa.' That someone thought.

As May continued walking...a girl was also running towards her...

"Whoa! May! I can't believe you're here in Primea. Awesome seeing you here!" The girl said.

"Hey, Milani. I didn't know you were here either." May said.

Milani then stopped running as she was right in front of May.

"Well...this over here is my Aunt Maribel's research lab. We always come here every Butterfly Festival." Milani replied as she pointed at the research lab.

"That's awesome. you know a good spot where we can watch the flying of the Butterfree and Beautifly?" May asked.

"Yup! We have this secret location where we always watch the show. It is a secret location so we don't let anyone there except the family and my crew, but I can make you an exception." Milani said.

"Wait...are you sure?" May asked.

"Totally! Let's a go!" Milani said as she dragged May to the secret location.

Meanwhile...the guy behind the bushes smirked as a plan came to his mind.

'Milani, thank you for making my job a lot easier.' The guy thought.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now