English Love Affair (Contestshipping)

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Gary: What's up, awesome readers?

Drew: Uh...where's Milani?

Gary: Somewhere. I don't know. Anyway...this is another GARY OAK oneshot!

Drew: Oh no.

Gary: Oh yeah. And it's going to be a songfic of the song English Love Affair by 5 Seconds of Summer.

Drew: What? You're actually doing that?

Gary: Eh. We don't have any oneshot ideas, and Milani is not here, so someone's gotta do something.

Drew: Well...I'm not gonna stop you.

Gary: Good.

Drew: Wait...will 5SOP sing here?

Gary: No. I'm not in the story.

Drew: Okay.

Gary: Enjoy the oneshot! BY THE WAY...this will be AU.


Drew was smiling as he scanned through the photos of his phone when suddenly Milani entered the room.

"Hey, cuz! I see you're back. How was London?" Milani said as she took a seat on the couch where Drew was sitting on.

"It was amazing, honestly." Drew answered with a smile on his face as he kept his phone.

"Ok...Drewbean, you're smiling. It's kinda freaky. What happened?" Milani said.

"Oh nothing. You wouldn't believe me anyway." Drew said.

"Oh come on! Just tell me!" Milani said.

Drew took a deep breath.

"I met someone." Drew said.

Milani tried to contain her laughter, but she just couldn't help it, so she let it out.

"OMG. You found a girl? Really, Drew? You're like 'Mr. Reject Everyone'. I mean...Ash got a girlfriend before you." Milani said as she laughed.

He expected this attitude from his cousin. When they were in high school, Milani always thought she'd be forever alone or no boyfriend forever. She imagined herself taking care of a bunch of cats.

Screw cats...she liked pigs.

She imagined herself with a piggery.

Drew was always considered the popular one while Milani was a bit unpopular. Their old classmates even said that if she wasn't Drew's cousin, she'd be part of the loser squad.

Because of that, Drew was expected to be in a relationship first. However, he rejected every girl that tried to flirt with him. Milani didn't have any guy flirt with her.

However, that all changed when they went to college.

No girls approached Drew anymore. Milani ended up having a boyfriend first.

All the girls knew about him and his rejection powers. He rejected every girl that tried to approach him before, but he became...empty. He felt like he does need a girl to fill that empty feeling.

"Okay, Milani. I knew you wouldn't believe me." Drew said.

"I'm not saying I don't believe you, Drewbean. It's just so crazy that you didn't reject the girl." Milani said.

"Well...I don't know what got into me. That moment when I saw her, it got crazy." Drew said.

"Oh my. So how did you two meet?" Milani asked.

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