CPCQ Challenge: Fabulous!

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Milani: HEY GUYS!!!

Drew: Yo.

Ash: Hi!

Paul: ...

Jace: Ello.

Gary: Gary!

Milani: So anyway...the next six oneshots will be for the CPCQ challenge!

Gary: Challenge!

Milani: For those who haven't checked the book Crazy Pokémon Character Quiz, we have a challenge there where we have to write a oneshot following the criteria given there.

Gary: Check de book out!

Milani: Anyway...this oneshot won't really follow shippings...because whatever. First, we will have my oneshot!

Drew: Yay.

Milani: Enjoy the oneshot!!!


Cilan is fabulous.

He is the king of fabulous!

"No, I'm more fabulous!" James yelled.

"You're good at dressing up us a girl, James, but I'm more fabulous." Cilan said.

"Hmm...we'll see. Brock will have a fabu-boy contest at his wedding reception. We can determine who is more fabulous." James said.

"Okay." Cilan answered.


At the Brock's wedding reception...

"Wow. I can't believe Brock has finally settled down." Misty said.

"I can't believe Lucy likes him, though." Max said.

"They'll be so happy together." May said.

"Lucy is a lucky girl." Dawn said.

"I see what you did there. She gives away the Luck Symbol." Barry said.

"Their shipping name is Luckshipping." Iris said.

"Ooh! Lucky!" Ash said.

The people all talked about Brock and Lucy. Well...it is their wedding.

Cilan and James didn't really mind, though. They were more focused with the contest.

Cilan went to the dressing room to change into his outfit.

"AHHH!!!" Cilan yelled as he saw a Purrloin at the dressing room. Everyone who knew Cilan knew that he didn't like Purrloin.

Not only that...the Purrloin scratched his outfit and now it is tattered.

"My outfit!" Cilan yelled. "Ugh...JAMES!!!"

James immediately entered the dressing room as he heard Cilan yell his name.

"Ugh, what's wrong, Cilan?" James asked.

"Purrloin!" Cilan yelled.

"Come on. There's nothing wrong with a cute little cat Pokémon. I mean...I think Meowth is scarier than that." James said.

"You have no idea, James." Cilan said.

"WHAT?!" James yelled as he looked at his outfit. "What happened here?!"

"Ugh. I guess you didn't do it." Cilan said.

"I know I'm evil but if it a contest I'm doing for myself, I'd never cheat." James said.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now