Twelve Years (Contestshipping)

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(photo not mine. I got it from tumblr)

Drew: Hello? Milani, where are you?

May: Hey, Drew. Where is everybody?

Drew: Hi, May. I don't know. Hey...look at that. *picks up a piece of paper*

May: What does it say?

Drew: says here that in July 10, 2014, the episode 'The Forest Champion' was released in Japan. It is the one year anniversary of Ash and his Hawlucha.

May: Cool! Should I greet them?

Drew: Uh...sure. It also says here that in July 10, 2008, the episode 'Arriving in Style' was released in Japan. Well...I guess she only considers the Japan releases since they release the episodes first.

May: Yeah...oh wait! That's the episode where Dawn competed in that Pokémon Stylist competition. Wow. Hard to believe that was 7 years ago.

Drew: July 10, 2003, the episode 'Now That's Flower Power' was released in Japan. Wait...I know this one.

May: That's your debut episode! That was 12 years ago!

Drew: I has been 12 years already?

May: I know right. it your birthday? OMG.

Drew: No. It's not my birthday. It's just the 12th anniversary of me being in Pokémon. 12th anniversary when I first met you...and Ash, Max and Brock.

May:'s been 12 years. Time flies pretty fast.

Drew: Wait...does that mean?

*popping of confetti*

Milani and the others: SURPRISE!!!!!!!

Drew and May: What's going on?

Milani: Happy 12 Years of Contestshipping!!!

Drew: I knew something was up.

Milani: Ok guys. We still have a oneshot and we already have a pretty dang long intro.

May: this like your 12th straight Contestshipping oneshot?

Milani: YUP!

Drew: Wait...

Milani: And...this will be the final oneshot for our challenge!

Drew: Will you guys finally tell me about the challenge?

Milani: 12 straight Contestshipping oneshots equivalent to the 12 years of Contestshipping!

Gary: And we're not supposed to do other shippings for the span of 12 days...but we had days when we couldn't do a oneshot, so we did multiple oneshots for a day to make up for lost time!

Drew: That explains everything.

Milani:'s a very special Contestshipping oneshot to celebrate the 12 years of Contestshipping! ENJOY!


May opened her eyes as she faced a new day. She knew very well that it's going to be a very special day.

To her surprise, no one was beside her.

"Can't I at least get a good morning on this special day?" May said to herself. She turned around her bed and saw a rose lying on her bedside table.

She smiled. She knows exactly who it is from. wasn't for her Beautifly. That 'Beautifly excuse' was so 12 years ago.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now