Dancing Grandpa (Contestshipping)

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Milani: Hey.

Gary: So...we're behind schedule once again.

Milani: We were at the beach for two days.

Drew: When is the deadline of this challenge anyway?

Milani: Secret.

Drew: Of course I'm not allowed to know.

Gary: So...this oneshot looks interesting.

Milani: Oh yah. I wanna give a shoutout to PoreeCookie and sailorshadey. I wouldn't get this idea if it weren't for your comments last oneshot. Anyway...enjoy the oneshot!


One afternoon, Drew and Gary were at the café just chatting. Gary invited Drew there to give him love advice, but Drew is the type of guy who does things his way.

Why did Drew even go there? To get some good coffee.

He only went there for the coffee.

Oh...and Gary also invited someone. That's another reason why Drew came.

"Drew, come on. You need my help." Gary said.

"No thanks, Gary." Drew coldly replied.

"I'm a love expert, Drew. If you would just listen to me, May would be yours." Gary said.

"I have my ways of making that happen." Drew said.

"Yeah right." Gary said. "Hey...May is coming this way. Remember what I told you." Gary said.

"I won't tell her dumb pickup lines." Drew said.

May then approached them and took a seat beside Drew.

"Hey guys!" May greeted.

"Sup, Maple." Gary said.

"Hey." Drew said.

"So...how was band practice?" May asked.

"Good. Paul rocked his guitar. Ash rocked his drums." Drew said as he stirred his coffee.

"How about the awesome lead singer, Drewbae?" Gary asked in a teasing tone.

"Don't call me that." Drew replied in an annoyed tone. "The lead singer was decent."

"Well the bassist did decent too." Gary said in a mocking tone.

"Drew, when do you plan on buying a bass guitar? You can't be borrowing Jace's bass forever." May said.

"I don't know. I haven't returned his bass, though. I bet he'll be knocking at our door again later asking for his bass." Drew said when suddenly...


Drew checked his phone and saw that Milani had just sent him a message.

Milani: Drewbean...Jace came over again. You know what for.

Drew: I don't. Is he there to visit you?

Milani: No, dumb butt. His bass.

Drew: He's all about that bass.

Milani: Ikr. So...should I return it now? Is it in your room?

Drew: Nah. We still have band practice tomorrow. Tell him that I'll return after our trip to the beach.

Milani: I just told him that.

Drew: Good. What did he say?

Milani: 'Fine.'

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now