CPCQ Challenge #2: Cyanide

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Milani: Ayo! It's time for CPCQ Challenge #2!

Gary: Yay! I don't have to do it!

Ash: Woo!

Drew: Lucky.

May: HIIII!!!

Milani: The gals are here! WOOO!!!

Dawn: Where's Paul?

Milani: I don't know. Let's just get started. WARNING: This oneshot contains a very dark theme.

Dawn: Yikes.

Milani: ENJOY...if you dare to read this.


Paul Shinji.

He is one of the top students of Veilstone High.

He's the serious type and he didn't talk to a lot of people. Whenever people pass by him, he's always holding a book.

He usually sits alone at during lunch. People would try to approach him (mostly those queen bees who want him to do their homework), but Paul immediately shuts them off.

He's very punctual. He could answer almost any questions a teacher asks.

He seemed like a focused student. It's like all he does is study.

It was time for his last class for the day - Chemistry. It's his favorite class.

He went beside Drew, who is his lab partner.

He didn't really talk to Drew that much since he was too busy drooling over some girl named May Maple.

He then looked at May's lab partner, Dawn Berlitz.

Dawn is one of the most popular girls in the campus, but she wasn't part of the queen bee crew Paul hated.

Actually...no one knows it, but Paul has a crush on her.

A huge crush on her.

Unfortunately, a lot of guys had a crush on her as well.

He sighed. He wanted to talk to that lab partner of his, but he's busy drooling over that brunette crush of his.

Paul thought that it was a good thing that Drew didn't like Dawn.

Well...more like lucky.

Their teacher, Mr. Sycamore, seems to be late for the class, so Paul brought out his book while he eavesdropped on a conversation between Lyra and Milani, who were the ones behind him and Drew in class.

"Girl, look at Dawn's hair! It's shinier than ever." Lyra said in amazement.

"You're right." Milani answered.

"I wonder what hair products she uses." Lyra said. "Oh yeah. Did you hear?"

"Hear about what?" Milani asked.

"Dawn and Trip are officially going out." Lyra said.

"What? Really? Since when?" Milani asked.

"I don't know. Yesterday?" Lyra answered. "But wow...Trip sure is a risk-taker." Lyra said.

"What do you mean? Dawn's an awesome girl." Milani said.

"Yeah...but remember what happened to Chase and Ron?" Lyra asked.

"I know what happened to them. They went to a bar and then they got drunk. Apparently they died after that." Milani said.

"Mils...I don't think you got the whole story there. It is true Chase and Ron went to a bar, but they died after drinking some orange juice, not beer or any liquor. Besides, they were 15. They couldn't just get alcohol. Oh. And the shop was forced to shut down after that incident." Lyra said.

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