Everything I Didn't Say (Ikarishipping/Cavaliershipping)

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Milani: Yo.

Drew: Back from pro-boxing?

Milani: FYI, I did some paper works today.

Gary: Why are we here?

Milani: THIS IS IT!

Paul: What?

Milani: The 'bet' oneshot! Since the Warriors won the championship, we will be doing a Cavaliershipping story...with a little twist.

Drew: Wait...how come the title says Cavalier and Ikari?

Milani: Because this is like...both Ikari and Cavalier...kinda. Anyway...I don't like long intros anymore. On with the oneshot! This is a songfic of Everything I Didn't Say.

Drew: By 5 Seconds of Summer once again.


*5 new messages*

Dawn: Hey Paul!

Dawn: PAUL!!!

Dawn: Hey...wanna go out tonight?

Dawn: Paul...why aren't you picking up your phone?

Dawn: Ugh...forget it.

Paul: Hi.

Dawn: Oh now you say hi.

Paul: I was training my Pokémon. We have a tournament to compete.

Dawn: Why didn't you tell me?

Paul: I don't have to tell you everything.

Dawn: You never tell me anything.

Paul: Why do I have to?

Dawn: Because I'm your girlfriend, idiot. Sheesh. Well...I guess.

Paul: You are.

Dawn: So...how come you can't make any effort?

Paul: I do.

Dawn: Yeah...in training your Pokémon. Dang it, Paul. That's all you ever care about. I don't get you at all. I'm not even sure if you love me.

Paul: Dawn...

Dawn: Forget it, Paul. I know this is a dumb way to do this, but we're over. Don't ever talk to me again. Like you ever talk to me anyway.


3 months later...

(Paul's POV)

Well...what have I done?

Yes...I work hard in training my Pokémon, and I want to be the best trainer there is.

But...I also want Dawn in my life. Sure she is a troublesome girl, but she means a lot to me. She understands how hard I train with my Pokémon...but I just never spend time with her.

I kind of overdo my training a little bit.

And honestly, it hasn't been as fulfilling as before.

My Pokémon are easily exhausted nowadays. It is because I don't have anything else to do but train.

I don't have Dawn in my life anymore.

I don't really have some friends to spend some time with because all my friends have girlfriends now.


Honestly I miss that girl. And...I still love her.

I always have loved her. I just never got to say it because I didn't know how to say it.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now