Imposters (Ikarishipping)

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Drew: Wow. Two oneshots in one day? Impressive. Making the most out of your day off I see.

Milani: Duh. Besides...I don't want to keep you waiting any longer.

Drew: Yes! Is this it?

Milani: Oh heck yeah.

Paul: Oh heck no. And said that you are planning to form a band? But aren't you in a band with me and Shiela already?

Milani: Well...I'm not in this oneshot, but you and Shiela are. I need another band.

Paul: That doesn't make sense.

Milani: *sings* You come in close now swear I can taste it. You got me tongue tied. I can't escape it. I've loving what you got, but then you push me off.

Drew: Shut up, Milani. This is not the time for 5SOS. Besides, you don't even have a bass guitar.

Milani:'s not the time for you to be Professor Oak.

Shiela: Hey, Paul! What do you call a fake noodle?

Paul: An impasta. I saw that on the internet already.

Drew: Enjoy the oneshot!

Milani: Dang it, Drew! You stole my line again.


"What? How can I lose? That was a pathetic performance, Staraptor." Paul said as he returned Staraptor.

"Oh yeah! I won! Awesome Manectric!" Shiela said as she danced around with Manectric. She had finally won a battle against Paul.

"You just had a type advantage. Great. win the bet. What do you want me to do first, your highness?" Paul said in a very annoyed tone.

See, Shiela challenged Paul to a Pokémon battle since Paul thinks that Shiela is not a good trainer, but she proved him wrong.

They also had a bet if Paul won...well nothing really happens. But if Shiela won, Paul would have to do everything she says for two weeks.

"Well...Paul, I still don't know what I want you to do." Shiela replied as she and Paul packed their things.

They were travelling together because...well...Paul was forced by Reggie to train with Shiela. (BTW, Shiela and Paul are cousins)

They made their way to the next town when a guy bumped into them, forcing Shiela to fall to the ground.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I was running so quickly that I forgot to look where I was going." The guy said in a British accent. He stood and helped Shiela stand up as well.

"It's fine." Shiela said as she noticed the guy. "Whoa."

The guy is wearing a prince outfit. He had long purple hair in a ponytail and blue eyes...and he looks just like...

"OMG. You look just like him!" Shiela yelled as she pointed at Paul. "Just give Paul a ponytail and blue contacts and voila!"

"You're crazy, Shiela." Paul said.

"Well...honestly I feel like I'm looking at a mirror. Oh. By the way, my name is Prince Percy." The guy - Prince Percy- said.

"OMG! You're like an actual prince?!" Shiela said in a very pumped up manner.

"Why yes." Percy replied.

"Cool! Oh yeah! My name is Shiela and that guy over there is Paul." Shiela said.

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