Light Up My World (Amourshipping)

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This is the alternate ending for the last oneshot, You're Gonna Miss Me. What if in another dimension, Misty's boyfriend...or ex-boyfriend never actually cheated on her?'s the answer to that. And's Amourshipping. So if you're an Amourshipper, you're gonna like this...I hope. It's not everyday that I decide to make an Amourshipping fic.

Misty...I just want to know that I saw your show. Looks like you're doing well for yourself. Looks like you don't need me anymore. You must be very happy now...without me. I haven't called in ages.

I'll respect that, Mist. But...I want you to know that I love you. You probably don't feel the same way.

Still...I want to thank you for being a good friend during the times we've spent. I wish I could have those moments back, but I guess I can't.


I'll be here atop Mount Silver for a week, by the way.

(10 days later)

Ash returned to Pallet after his intense training atop Mount Silver. Man...he was ready for a new journey now.

He hasn't completely recovered from the pain from when he saw Misty with that guy. Well...there's nothing he can do about it now. Misty is really happy. And you know what, he should be happy with whatever makes Misty happy. Even if it means not being with him.'s time to move on, Ash.

He decided to go out for a while and visit Professor Oak. When he arrived at the Oak Laboratory, he noticed some kids were there. He also saw Tracey who was trying to behave the children.

Once the children calmed down, they took a seat on the provided benches. Ash then approached Tracey.

"Hey Trace, what's up with the kids?" Ash asked.

"Oh. They're attending the Professor's Summer Camp." Tracey replied.

Wait...Professor Oak's Summer Camp?

Suddenly, Ash recalled the time when he attended Summer Camp.

There was one particular memory he remembered the most. Well...he didn't before...but now he does.


The kids attending Professor Oak's Summer Camp had a break, so they decided to play with some of the Pokémon. For some reason, Ash would always try to look for this Poliwag. The Poliwag was a shy one, so it always hid from the kids. Ash, however, wanted to get to know the Poliwag more.

He continued his search for Poliwag when suddenly...he saw a girl wearing a straw hat sitting on the ground. She is one of the other campers, and it looked like she is hurt.

Ash decided to approach her.

"Hey...are you alright?" Ash asked. The girl looked up to see him, but she still didn't say a word. "Hi! I'm Ash. Who are you?"

The girl still didn't say anything since she was still hurt.

"What's wrong?" Ash asked.

"I leg." The girl answered while trying to hold back the pain.

Ash then knelt down and brought out the handkerchief from his pocket.

"Don't worry. See this? This will make it better." Ash said as he wrapped the girl's knee with the handkerchief. "All done!"

The girl attempted to stand, but she still couldn't.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now