D-R-U (Contestshipping)

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Milani: Hey bros we're here for yet another oneshot. So yeah...it's July 7...happy birthday Ashton Irwin! OMG. He's 21.

Drew: Happy birthday, Ashton.

Ash: Woo! *pops confetti*

Milani: Yay! Anyway...we have a very special oneshot...involving drummers! Enjoy!


Well...that sucks, doesn't it?

Drew had just found out that May is into drummers. He plays bass guitar.

Great...just great.

Is there a chance that she likes Ash instead?

Hope not...but...who knows?

She is into drummers.

Drew was paranoid mentally even though he kept a straight. What is he supposed to do? Learn how to play the drums?

Well...time to consult Ash.

"Hey, Drew!" Ash greeted.

"Pika Pika!" His Pikachu greeted.

"Hey, Ash and Pikachu." Drew replied.

"So...what brings you here?" Ash asked.

"I want to learn how to play the drums." Drew replied.

"What for? You're already the bassist." Ash said.

"Uh...I think it's nice to learn how to play as many instruments as you can." Drew said.

"You're right! Hey, think you can teach me bass too? I bet Misty will like it if I know how to play bass!" Ash said.

"Sure." Drew said.

So...Drew and Ash had their drumming session.

(le time skip...)

"Well that was complicated." Drew said. "Playing bass is much easier. I don't think I could still perform yet."

"But Drew...I'm the drummer." Ash said.

"Ugh...okay...see ya tomorrow, Ash." Drew said as he left.

"Bye, Drew!" Ash said.

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu said.

It didn't take long for Drew to get home. When he got there, he was greeted by his cousin, Milani.

"Hey, Drewbean. Glad you made it. We have visitors coming over tonight. Anyway...Gary told me that Ash was teaching how to play drums? What for?" Milani said.

"I just feel like it." Drew answered.

"I'm not buying it." Milani said.

"Well Ash bought it." Drew said.

"Dude...this is Ash we're talking about." Milani said. "Now tell me what the heck is wrong."

"Okay...May is into drummers." Drew said.

"What? Really...she never told me that." Milani said.

"Well...remember one of your friend's crushes?" Drew asked.

"Which friend?" Milani asked.

"Rachel. She had a crush on a drummer guy, right?" Drew said.

"She did...but that was years ago. She's in a happy relationship now. And how is that relevant?" Milani said.

"What did you guys call her crush?" Drew asked.

"Uh...Dru. Spelled as D-R-U. For drummer guy. We never knew his real name." Milani answered.

"Exactly. May sent me a note saying that she likes Dru, spelled D-R-U. So...that means she likes drummer guys...most probably ASH!" Drew yelled.

"You're an idiot. Why the heck would she like Ash? She ships Ash and Misty." Milani yelled.

"Yeah...well you pretend to ship Jonny and Shana!" Drew yelled back.

"Uh...I don't. We're so done with that! I like somebody else already!" Milani yelled.

"OMG. You admitted it." Drew said.

"Yeah...Calum Hood is my new bae now." Milani said.

"Ah jeez." Drew said. "At least you're into bassists. Unlike some other brunette I like."

"How sure are you that she meant drummer guy?" Milani asked.

"Because she said she likes Dru, spelled D-R-U." Drew replied.

"Well...does that also imply to May?" Milani asked.

"Uh...maybe." Drew said.

"You're so assuming." Milani said as she heard someone knock on the door. "Go get that, Drew. Our guest is here."

Drew went to the door and opened it, and he shocked with who he saw.


It was freaking May Maple.

The girl who likes D-R-U

"Hey, Drew!" May greeted.

"Hi, May." Drew said.

"So...did you get my note?" May asked.

"Yeah. I did." Drew said in a disappointed tone.

"So...how come you don't sound happy about it?" May asked.

"Why the heck did you send me that note anyway?" Drew yelled.

"Because...I wanted to..." May said as tears started to form in her eyes. "Forget it, Drew Hayden. Why did I even bother?"

She started to walk out, but Drew took hold of her wrist.

"May...I'm sorry for yelling, okay. It just...why would you tell me that anyway? I mean...I'm your friend...so I guess it makes sense." Drew said.

"Great. You made things worse. Apparently I'm friendzoned." May said. Drew widened his eyes.

"Excuse me, but I think I'm the one who is friendzoned." Drew said.

"Huh? I clearly wrote on that note that I like you!" May said.

"You said you liked Dru! Spelled D-R-U!" Drew said as he showed the note the May.

May took the note and she facepalmed.

"I'm sorry if you can't understand my handwriting. I was too nervous when I wrote this...so I guess that made my letter e and w look like a letter u." May said.

"Oh...well...I want you to know that I like you too." Drew said as he took May's hand. "Heck. Forget that. I love you, May Maple."

"I love you too, Drew Hayden." May replied. "Oh...and did Ash really teach you how to play drums?"

"Hey I thought you like drummer guys." Drew said.

"Huh?" May said.

"Never mind. How about we just enjoy this night?" Drew said as he kissed May, and she kissed her back.

"Hey guys..." Milani said as she entered the room, noticing the kissing couple. She took out her camera and took the photo of the kiss, which she sent to the CSG.


Milani: Ta-da! This one is a bit shorter than what I usually do, but it's kinda rushed.

Drew: Wow. I thought I was dumb there.

Milani: You are, Drewbean.

Drew: I'm not.

Ash: Wait...who's Rachel?

Milani: My old friend. She was a character in my first ever book.

Ash: Oh...the hobo book...right.

Milani: Guys...don't read that book.

Drew: It's weird. It's not even Pokémon.

Milani: Anyway...hope you guys enjoyed the oneshot! This is still part of the challenge. Don't worry guys, the challenge will be over in a few days, so your requests will be done soon! See ya!

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