The beginning

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AHHHHH! 50K reads! Are you kidding me?! IM SCREAMING! 😭🎊🎊


Remember to be nice and yes, misspelling and shit are there, I'm sorry for being born a human, but sadly that's what I am. When I stop being lazy I'll reread it to check, but for now just guess what the word is or correct it in your head. Thank you 😊


Bonnie Davis-

"Finally we made it," said Ty in a cheerful voice. Zuri, Ty, and I looked around at the beautiful site of Italy.
"I can't believe we made it!" Zuri cheered as she jumped up and down, excitedly.

"Me neither-" I started to say, but got interrupted by my phone ringing.
"It's my mother again," I stated while rolling my eyes in annoyance.

She has been worried none stop since I left the airport. I guess I'll finally answer this time.

"Hello," I answered with a sigh.

"Hi Bon, where are you? Have you made it? Are you kidnapped?! Why didn't you answer my first call?" She rambles in panic.

She has called 50 times since I've landed. I am  now getting annoyed because I did answer the first time just to hear her say " I miss you" over and over again, so I put my phone on silent mode.

"Hi, mom, I'm fine. I just powered my phone off, but I'm okay. I'm going to call you back later, I need to get to my hotel before dark." I noted while biting my bottom lip, anxiously.

"Well, call me late-Well never mind, I will FaceTime you later with your father. Bye now, love you, honey, be careful." She stated in a happy tone.

"Bye, love you too," I said before hanging up.
Zuri looked at me with exhaustion.

"Lets go, Bon! I'm hungry and tired." Zuri complained causing me to roll my eyes.

"I think I smelled pizza a few blocks down-

"Bitch, I'm pretty sure that was your imagination because your ass is always hungry!" I stated while interrupting her, she glared at me before flipping me off and I laughed.

"Come on guys, let's go it's starting to get chilly." Ty said while shaking, I thought he was being dramatic until a breeze blew past me.

"Okay, let's go." I stated then started rubbing my hands together and walking off. They ran after me and I ignored them as they started bickering from behind me.


We arrived at our hotel and it was beautiful, from the big ass chandelier to the gold in the bathroom. I'm not going to lie, this hotel room was quite expensive, but luckily I saved up enough money from working and living with my parents.
Zuri and Ty do the same, but they don't have the same career type as me.

Zuri wants to study sports medicine and Ty wants to be a fashion designer.

That's one of the reasons why we are taking this trip. After years together we had to split up, but we promised each other that whatever happens we will always stay in contact with each other and we have.

We've been friends since the 4th grade and we have been like brother and sisters ever since.
Zuri and Ty are the crazy best friends, they like to party and get drunk. I, on the other hand have to keep them in line because if I didn't they would be in jail. When they act like kids, I treat them like kids, but that doesn't stop them from getting me into trouble as well.

I've almost got arrested two times and one time it was because I took the blame for them. They always seduce the officers to get me out of trouble, so I guess that's a plus!

I do miss the old days a lot, but now we get to make new memories with and without each other.

"Bonnie?!" Ty called while snapping his fingers in front of my face. I scrunched my nose up and ignored him.

"Oh, I have missed his annoying ass." I thought to myself. I heard him sigh, loudly.

"BONNIE!" Ty screamed shaking me out of my trans.

"What!" I yelled while snapping out of my thoughts. I looked at him and worry was all over his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Because you zoned out. You know what? It's a good thing you're okay because I was NOT about to do CPR on your ass. That's why we got Dr. Zuri." Ty stated which made me burst out laughing.

Zuri slapped him across the head.

"I'm training to be a sports medicine doctor I'm not a doctor, doctor, idiot!" she yelled at him then she rolled her eyes.

"Same difference, hoe! You said sports medicine "doctor". DOCTOR! It has the word so that means you know CPR dumbass!" Ty yelled while rolling his eyes. I threw a pillow at him and jumped on the bed.

"We are in fucking Italy!" I yelled while I jumped up and down.

"Bitch, get your big ass down before you break the bed!" Ty yelled while filing his dirty ass nails, I threw another pillow at him and he threw the nail file at me. I jumped on him and landed punches as we both started play fighting.

"You two are going to get us kicked out!" Zuri yelled as she tried to break us up. I pushed her back and that's when she jumped in as well.

"You guys are squishing me! I can't fucking breathe!" Ty yelled at me and Zuri. We were stacked on top of him.

"Then tap the fuck out, bitch!" I yelled as I put him in a chokehold, Zuri pulled my legs and I fell out the bed and hit my head.

"Ouch, you could have given me a fucking concussion, bitch!" I yelled and they both started laughing. I struggled onto my knees and they both high-fived.

"Haha," I faked laughed, and stood up while holding my head.

"That shit fucking hurt!" I yelled out and stomped to the bathroom. These bitches will be the death of me, I swear it!


Thank you for reading the first chapter!

Remember you can imagine the characters however you want.

The chapters will get longer and longer the more you read!!

I mean like REALLY over thousands of words long!!

Follow @kae_bae2

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