Amore, please

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Bonnie Davis

I walked to Aurora's room and her door was cracked, I tightened my robe on me and went to see her sound asleep. I opened her blinds and went to wake her up.

"Get up, sweetie, you have school." I said and shook her awake. She groaned and kept hitting my hand away, I laughed and kissed her face.
"M-mom." She complained as I kept shaking her until she sat up. I moved her hair from her face and kissed her head.
"Time for school." I said and she groaned while standing up. She stretched and I went to find her clothes as she did her morning routine.

I looked in her drawer and found a ten euros in her sock making me laugh to myself. I put it back and grabbed the black pair of socks instead.

Her uniforms came yesterday and I might have ordered a lot, but I want her to love these. I helped her into the skirt and button up shirt.

She looked amazing, but she complained. I slipped tiny shorts under the skirt because she likes to flip and do other things.

"If you come home with a boyfriend just know that your dad may or may not kill him, now, shoes." I said as she laughed. She put on her shoes and I brushed her hair as I wet it. She rushed downstairs for food as I told her we might be late.

"Mom! No! I can't be late that will be embarrassing!" She yelled. She didn't see Enzo, so she bumped into him.
"Dad, I am sorry, but I'm late." She said and before she could run he grabbed her arm.

"It's only six. School starts at eight thirty." He said and she slowly turned to me as I had a huge smile on my face.

"Bo!" She yelled.

"Ro!" I yelled back and she groaned her way into the kitchen. "You have got to stop messing with her." Enzo said and I laughed. I went into the dining room and Antonio was eating with Aurora.

"We will make that place hell-

"No the hell you are not!" I yelled and he huffed. He whispered something to Aurora and she laughed. I grabbed a knife and rushed to him. I held it to his neck. "What did you say?!" I yelled.

"Mom!" Aurora yelled. She grabbed my wrist.

This child will need some therapy when She's older.

"I'm coming on campus to check things out." I said and let Antonio go. I rushed to go get dressed. I rushed downstairs before they could leave me and Enzo drove off when I got in.

"Do you like it?" I asked Ro. She looked at the huge campus in shock, a woman greeted us and we walked the school. Aurora was clinging to Enzo so tight.

"It's going to be fine-

"Mom, I change my mind! I'm scared." She whispered as we were about to leave her. I frowned and Enzo squatted to be face to face with her.

"Romanos are-

"Strong, independent, and powerful. W-We fear no one, we are the ones other people fear. I am not scared." Aurora said and Enzo nodded, sternly.

"Good, now, go and learn, and if someone messes with you, you what?" Enzo asked her.

"Sock their ass in the jaw or throat." She said and my eyes widened with shock.

"Good girl, now, go." Enzo said and they did a handshake. She kissed his cheek and hugged him before leaving. My eyes watered and Enzo turned to me.


"You told her to cuss!" I yelled and hit his chest. He kissed my cheek.
"It was tiny and that's the last time she says it." He said and I nodded.

Aurora Romano

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