I zdon't like youwa britcha

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Bonnie Davis
*Long chapter 3000+ words*

"Hand me, my baby," Zuri said, pointing at an AK47 laying on our hotel bed.
"Here," I said handing her the gun then picking up Chocolate bunny.

"Ohh have I missed you," I said as I kissed it and put on a smile. I looked up at Zuri to see her looking at me in disgust.

"That's an ugly name for a gun that looks like shit." she said shrugging and rolling her eyes.
I pointed the gun towards her and smiled.
"Would you like to see how much of a shit she is?" I questioned her causing her to shake her head "no" and turn around to her pistol.

"That's what we thought," I said then did an evil laugh which turned into a real laugh.
"You're weird," She said as she started laughing too.

"So, let's go over plans because you have a habit of breaking under stress," Zuri said as she stopped laughing.
We have been in this hotel for two days. We've been changing hotels every two days since we left last week.

Enzo heard about our disappearance and did not take it well. Neither did Elijah.

We've been keeping our trails clean, but I could tell they are getting closer, so we eventually had to start thinking smart.
We found a girl who was into hacking her name is Eva. She's been keeping tabs on everybody for us, you know after we threw in a few lies of course.

I know she knows that we are lying, but she knows better than to ask. Well, I hope so because this will not end up pretty for her and not just on her side, but mine as well. If she figures out and tells Enzo about us I'll kill her, but that's if my uncle doesn't get to us first, which I fear he will.

"Look alive, the target has been spotted near James street," Eva said through the walkie talkie.
"Bon, let's go before we get spotted," Zuri said as she picked up two duffle bags, leading me to do the same, then left the room.
"This way," I whispered as I saw one of Enzo's men getting out of the elevator. I pushed open the staircase door and hurried down.

"Damn it," Zuri whispered yelled as she started following behind me.
"What?" I said as I stopped on the third-floor staircase.
"Shh," she said as she put her finger to her lips then pointed up. I heard fast footsteps coming down the stairs in a hurry causing me to grab her hand and pull her through the door. The door opens to the third floor which I knew because I checked this building before we stayed here.

"Down here is a separate elevator only used for employees, come on," I whisper yelled to her and took a left down the hall.

"Woah," Zuri whispered as she pulled me in and covered my mouth.
I looked over to see two men dressed in black walking down the hall.
"You take the one on the right and I'll take the one on the left," I said as she moved her hand away from my mouth, and with one quick motion she kicked her leg out.

She kicked the man in his stomach causing the other one to be more alert. Thanks a lot, Z.
"Can we please just talk like civilized men? No?" I questioned then I saw him getting ready to grab his revolver. Which caused me to roundhouse kick his ass in the face.

"I guess not," I said as I pretended to dust off my shirt.

I hope I didn't kill him, we can't kill any of Enzo's men or we will be called traitors.

"Really?...come on, lead the way," Zuri said as she pushes me forward. I rolled my eyes and went to the elevator and pushed the button. When we got in the elevator there was silence until the walkie-talkie went off.

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