Nerf gun war!

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Bonnie Davis

I slowly tried to open my eyes, but the light in the room was too bright. I tried again, the same thing.

"Can someone close the fucking blinds, damn!" I groaned out.

"Bonnie!!" Zuri and Ty yelled then jumped on top of me.

"Get the fuck I can't breathe!" I let out. I winced as the pain in my knuckles started throbbing in pain.

"Sorry, we just missed you. You've been asleep for two days. The doctor said you should've woken up two minutes ago, but you didn't." Ty said wiping off his fake tears.

"It's only been two minutes, dude I'm not dead, yet," I said rolling my eyes.

I tried to get up, but as soon as I tried Antonio tackled me back to the bed.

"You can't get up yet, doctors orders," Antonio said smirking.
I rolled my eyes then looked around. We were not even in a damn hospital this is my room.

"What doctor, we are in my damn room!!" I yelled throwing Antonio off me.

I got out the bed, but as soon as I stood up pain shot through my body.

I fought through the pain and eased my way back up.

"I'm fine guys. Thanks for the flowers and big ass teddy bear, but I'm okay." I announced looking around the room at the gifts.

"We just didn't know if you were okay. You didn't have to be rude about it, Bonnie" Zuri said I know she's serious because she didn't call me "Bonnie bear".

"I'm not being rude, I'm being honest. Can you please get out, so I can change and think about what I'm about to do? Thank you for the stuff, really." I said in a nicer, sweeter voice.

"See now that's how you ask. Come on, let's give the girl some space." Ty said while shooing everybody out.

I made it towards my closet to pick me out an outfit. When I got my outfit, I took a shower and did my new routine since I got new stuff.

I checked the phone that I bought from the store to see the time, then put on my stuff and headed downstairs.

And no, Enzo doesn't know I have it...I'm sure he will kill me if he found out.

"Bonnie it's good to see you up and about," Raven said as he walked up to hug me.
"Thank you, and I only came down because I'm starving," I said, laughing.

"I bet," Raven said while also laughing.

I walked into the kitchen and was immediately greeted by Laura and a warm, motherly hug. "Oh my gosh! My mother!!" I yelled before running off.

I ran thinking about what my mother has been through, not knowing if I was okay.
I saw Enzo in front of me, but pushed right past him.

I need to call my mother, not talk to a man-slut.

I ran to my room and locked my door, because I didn't want anyone to know I had a phone.

I dialed my mother's phone number and waited for her to answer.

"Hello?" I heard my mother say.
"Hi, mom," I said. I was holding back my tears

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