What punishment?/ aesthetics

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Enzo Romano

"Wh-What are you doing?" she stuttered, full of nervousness. It made me smirk knowing the effect I had on her.

"I told you not to yell at me and to show respect, but you didn't do that, did you? I gave you a warning over and over again, and yet here you are disrespecting me. I think it's time for a punishment. Don't you?" I said with a smirk on my face while grabbing her wrist.

"What the fuck do you mean by punishment? Maybe you didn't hear this the first time because it was in English, so let me fix that for you." she cleared her throat, snatched her hands from me, stood up, and she looked me dead in my eyes.

" Sono una donna adulta lì perché non devo fare un cazzo che dici," she said in a low threatening tone.

(Translation: I am a grown-ass woman there for I don't have to do shit you say)

"I don't care if you are the "boss" you are just not the boss of me," she said, slowly and putting up quotation signs.

I almost smirked at this. She is trying to be scary, but she just looks like a cucciolo di Tigre. She might think I'm not the boss of her, but she's wrong. I am and I will always be the boss of her. I guess it's time for her punishment, since she can't keep that pretty little mouth shut.

I nodded my head smiling, acting as if I agree with the non-since she's been saying.

"Also if-

I cut her off by throwing her over my shoulder again.

"Put me down, Cagna!!" she yells while pounding my back.

(Translation: bitch)

I threw her on the bed and began to tie her hands together, then did the same to her legs.

"What are you doing?" she asked turning red,
I leaned down to her ear.
"Be patient, you're about to find out." I whispered kissing her cheek, then in one smooth motion, I put her on her stomach across my lap. I made sure her ass was perfectly on my lap.

"This is what bad girls get when they don't respect me." I whispered in her ear.

I started to caress her ass and she got quiet as I did this. I smirked then lifted my hand and slapped her ass.

Bonnie Davis

I was so confused when he lifted me and put me on his lap. My head was literally hanging off his leg, if my brain explode from being full of blood then I'm suing him!

"You can't just do this, I did nothing wrong." I mumbled, nervously and tried to break out of the restraints.

I stopped struggling when I felt a hand rub my ass. He traced circles and even slapped my butt from time to time.

"W-what a-are you d-doing?" I struggled to say as he squeezed my ass. My face was burning hot at the thought of me being across his sexy ass getting spanked. I should not be enjoying this.

"How about you tell me what's your favorite food, then I'll tell you what I'm about to do, huh?" He said as he continued to caressed my ass.

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