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Bonnie Davis
6,000+ words

I woke up and my morning sickness hit me hard. Jess wasn't there to hold my hair and Micheal wasn't there to complain about how disgusting this was, and I was sad about that.

Fuck! I left my fucking dog!

I brushed my teeth, grabbed my robe, and I rushed to the elevator. When I went downstairs everyone was in the dinning room, and laying right beside Zuri was Kristoff. Isaiah was laying on him. Kristoff groomed his paws and Isaiah hugged Kristoff.

"Good morning." Zuri said to me and everyone looked my way.

"Good morning. I was panicking because I thought I forgot Kristoff." I said and ran my hand through my hair. She smiled and I went to rub Kristoff. He got up and nudged his nose against my stomach.

That was his way of rubbing it because he was too big to jump on me. "Good boy, do you want a treat?" I asked and he barked. Zuri gave him bacon and I smiled.

"Come eat." Enzo said and I notice Cassie wasn't here which is odd because she is his fiancé.

"I don't eat that or that or that." I said as I pointed to the bacon, eggs, and a bagel. Enzo looked shocked, because he knows I usually would fuck some bacon up if I had the chance to. "What do you want then?" He asked as he stood up to help me into a chair. I thanked him and pointed to the fresh hot waffles and strawberries. I then looked at the chocolate chips and whipped cream.

"You have to make it a face, duh!" Antonio said and pushed Enzo out of the way. He put my waffles down, then put two strawberries for the eyes and two chocolate chips for the pupil. He added whipped cream for the mouth then put chocolate chips on it. I smiled and he added a little bit of syrup. "Too much is bad for the baby." Tonio said and I huffed. Enzo was still glaring at Antonio and Antonio privately flipped him off.

"Fine." I mumbled and took a bite of the waffle. Nausea immediately hit me and I scooted my chair back. Enzo jumped up and I ran straight straight to a bathroom, but I didn't make it in time so I threw up on the floor. Enzo grabbed my hair and rubbed my back.

"That is fucking...Ew." Antonio said as he jumped onto the bathroom counter and ate a piece of bacon. I glared and Enzo wiped my mouth. "Anna, what the hell did you eat?" He asked and I was about to beat his ass.

"Get out, Antonio!" Enzo yelled and Antonio held his hands up in surrender. He left and Enzo picked me up to put me on the counter. Zuri rushed in with my toothbrush and a water bottle then left.

"Does your stomach hurt?" He asked me and rubbed it. I laid my head back against the mirror and nodded my head. I closed my eyes and he carefully rubbed and massaged my stomach. I felt a flutter in my stomach, but that may be my feelings for him.
I brushed my teeth and he kept rubbing my stomach.

"I want to lay back down." I told Enzo after he clean up my incident. He nodded and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held me tight against him as I laid on his shoulder.

He took me to the elevator then he took me to my old room, where he then laid me in bed. Enzo carefully removed my robe and I hummed.

"How are you feeling? Do you want me to call a doctor?" He whispered and rubbed my lower back.

That feels nice.

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