Who the hell is Jessica?

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Bonnie Davis-

I paced in my room back and forth reciting everything that happened yesterday.

"No, he wouldn't do that I know I'm not getting used...or do I?" I said to myself and jumped in my bed.

"You know what? I'll just go and ask him," I said, jumping up to leave.

I walked down the hall until I reached his office door, because I'm assuming that's where he's at. I stopped when I heard grunting coming from the door and a woman's voice.

"Can...dy." Enzo said grunting in the office
"Yes, bunny!" the girl said from the other room, which caused me to cover my mouth in shock
I pushed the door with full force to open it.

"Oh, really?!"I yelled which caused them both to look up at me.

"BON... what the fuck?!" He yelled as he pushed the girl off his desk and pulled up his pants.

"OW!!...WHAT THE HELL, BUNNY" the girl yelled which made me chuckle at her little nickname for him.

"GET OUT!!" Enzo yelled at the girl that I'm assuming is named Candy.

"Hi, I'm Bonnie, you must be Candy?" I asked as I reached out to shake her hand while she didn't have a shirt on.

"Who the hell are you?" Candy asked while rolling her eyes and folding her arms, obviously forgetting to put on a bra

"I just told you I'm Bon-

"Didn't I just tell you to get out!!!" Enzo yelled at, who I'm assuming her, because I'll beat his ass. "Hello? I am not talking to the fucking wall, am I?!" Enzo said, looking around acting as if he is then turning around to face us.

"Hello? Girl, I know you heard him, Leave!" That bitch said to me causing me to turn around to her saggy breast ass.

(If this offends anyone just know saggy breasts are great and squishy!! Natural and everything, girl! It's just a book! 😊)

"Bitch, he's talking to you not me. I don't play that shit and he knows it. Now, I'm not a girl, I'm a woman, slut." I said, rolling my eyes and sitting down in a chair in front of his desk.

"Oh, and bossman? I hope you don't have aids now." I said, making a cringe face and pointing at Candy. Enzo showed me the golden packet with a look and I still shrugged.

"Bitch, I don't have aids and I'm definitely not a slut!" She said. She finally put on her shirt, finally.

"Yeah, but you definitely need a push-up bra because them tiddies are touching your fucking knees." I said while smirking, I even heard a snort come from Enzo.

Shut your pig ass up, like you wasn't just fucking her!

"Stop, Bonnie!" Enzo yelled getting up from the desk to get Candy's shoes.


I snatched the heels from him.

"HERE!" I yelled over him and gave her the heels.

"Mhmm." she sounded while snatching the heels and going over to Enzo to plant a kiss, but she's too short to reach him.

"Bunny, you're too tall, lean down, please," Candy said in a baby voice.

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