I'm just tired

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Enzo Romano

"What?!" I heard her yell from behind me as I was walking to my office.
I sat down and poured me some Bourbon.

She came in seconds later with a confused look on her face.

"What are you talking about? You are not taking me to dinner." She said like she has the authority to make decisions.

"I said, that we are going to dinner. What don't you understand about that, cara?" I asked because it's obvious what I say go.

(Translation: dear)

"No, I'm not going to dinner with you. My friends are hungry too, so we will eat here then go to bed. What don't you understand about that?" She said, pointing at me then folding her arms.

So damn stubborn, Fanculo!

"You have no control here to be making orders, so," I got up from my seat and stared at her from across my desk. "We. Are. Going. To. Dinner. Together, yes? Or we can always call Bel for Ty and Zuri. You know it's your choice, of course." I said, sarcastically with a smirk, then took a sip of my drink.

She looked at me for a while before storming out of the room.

"What the hell?"

I hurried after her while following the steps she took out of my office.

Bonnie Davis

I ran down the stairs. I have no idea where I'm going, but I just need to get out of here.

I ended up in a garden. This garden is so beautiful, I can't even. Oh my gosh! There's a pond, I ran to the pond to see the little fishes, but it turns out I can't because it's too dark out.

I stared at the pond wondering about so many things, I don't understand why these things keep happening to me. I was abused all my life, now I'm kidnapped, and now...I don't even know.

I frowned, took a deep breath, and went back in. Enzo was there staring at me as I made my way to him.

"Where's my room?" I asked, he was about to answer my question, but I interrupted him.
"Also, I'm not going with you because I don't have anything to wear." I said while frowning. He stared down at me and tried to search my face for understanding of me.

Truth is, I don't even understand myself.

"Don't worry about it, Bellissima. I will get you and your friends some clothes, our dinner can wait." He said which shocked the fuck out of me.

(Translation: Beautiful)

He was going to walk off until I pulled his arm.

"Thank you, but can you please show me to my room, I'm starving and I am very tired." I said while letting go of him. He stared into my eyes and put on a small smile.

Ouu, it smiles!

He nodded his head and told me to follow him. We went down a hallway before he stopped in front of a door causing me to pause in my tracks.
He clicked the button and the door slid open.

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