Manipulative and controlling

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Bonnie Davis

"I am going to miss you!" My mother said as she cried into my arms. They are leaving tomorrow and she is choosing now of all times to do this shit.
"Mom, you're leaving tomorrow, you can do this in the morning!" I complained. She rolled her eyes at me and I shrugged as I continued to paint my toenails white.

"Are you going to visit me in America, Bonnie?" she asked me. I shrugged and didn't look up at her until she grabbed my face.

"Do not be like that! I am your mother and you will show me some damn-

"And I am grown! I will visit you in America in a few months, but I can't throw my life away just to come visit every week!" I told her as I snatched my face from her.

This is one of the reasons I used to sneak out of the house because she is too clingy, she had miscarriages and still borns in the past, so she has always been overprotective of me.

"I asked you to visit me in America not stay down there forever, Bonnie! You have been different since you've been down here, suddenly you're too busy for me? No, you just don't want to lose Enzo, he is not your fucking life, Bonnie!" she yelled at me. I put my polish to the side.

"Yes, he is!" I yelled without thinking. Her face fell.

"And I am not acting busy! I'm just not locked in the house where you can always check up on me, I'm able to do as I please without being under your wing all the fucking time! I am tired of your hold and apparently, dad is as well, speaking as he has barely been around you since you've arrived! You are too controlling and too manipulative, that's why I haven't visited you!" I yelled at her as I stood from my bed.

She put her head in her hands and began to cry which broke me.


"No! I just wanted to spend time with my daughter, but she loves her man more than she loves me-

"That's not true-

"Yes, it is! You starved yourself as soon as you left him and when he came back, poof! Brand fucking new, you clung yourself to Enzo and I have no problem with him whatsoever, but for you to choose him over the woman who birthed you, who fed and clothed you since you were a baby, who provided a house, no a Home for you to stay at since you were born! It really fucking hurts, really does." she yelled before walking out of my room while slamming the door.

"Fuck!" I cried as I threw my pillow across the room. Kristoff growled and started to bite the pillow and I laughed, I wiped the tears from my face and grabbed him.

"You will never leave me, right buddy? I know you wouldn't because you're a good boy, yes you are!" I laughed and scratched his head. I cried into him and he started to lick my face causing me to laugh, but I stopped when arguing came from downstairs.

"I want to leave! You can stay here because I know I'm overprotective!" My mother yelled to my father. Everyone was confused as they sat on the couch and my mother was dragging her luggage.

"You leave tomorrow so stop causing a fucking scene!" I yelled at her causing them to all look at me.

"I am not causing a scene! You want me to go so I'm leaving, I never want to talk, hear, or see you again-

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