My fallen one

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Enzo Romano

"Hello," I said as I answered my phone.

"Boss we have a problem." Tony, one of my right-hand man said.
"What is it?" I asked, slightly annoyed as I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"Stephen left his phone at the restaurant and when he went back to get was gone." Tony said, worriedly.

I didn't care until I realized that it wasn't his main phone that he left...fuck!

"Well, did he ask the damn waiter?! You know the shit that is inside of that damn phone, Tony!"I yelled while getting out of my chair getting ready to punch a wall.

"Yes, I know what's in the phone and if the cops get their hads on that phone it could bring us all down!" he yelled in panic.
"Capo, there's a list of employers in that phone we need to find it, now!" Tony said starting to worry more.

"Damnit!" I yelled as I threw my phone across the room.

Antonio ran into my office with a goofy look on his face.
"Damn, looks like someone is having another fit. Want a Sippy cup or pacifier?" Antonio asked, smirking, jokingly.

Only my best friends or in this case family can talk to me like that, if it was anybody else, and I mean anybody else, they would have been 6ft under.

"No, but what I want is for you to bring me Lexi, before I strangle you with my phone cord." I demanded in a threatening tone.

"Oh, so there is a reason to why you are acting like this and it's not because you tripped and fell again? Because if so I'm asking Elijah for that camera footage." He said, jokingly again. He is starting to piss me off.



I was going to finish my threat when Lexi came in and interrupted me.

"LANGUAGE! Now what have I been summoned here for, your majesty?" Lexi asked with a smile on her face as she bowed, playfully.

"I need you to find Stephen's phone, now. Antonio bring me Stephens wife, and if you say another joke so help me God I-

I took my gun from the back of my pants and pointed it at him.

" Ti ficcherò una pallottola in testa, cazzo. Capito?" I asked causing him at nod repeatedly.

(Translation: I will put a bullet right through your fucking head. Got that?)

"Now!" I yelled then took a deep breath.
"LEAVE" I yelled while running a hand through my hair.

"Yes, sir!" they said in harmony before leaving.

—————-A few hours later-

"That's who took it?" I questioned staring at the video.

"Yes, sir," Lexi said. She zoomed in with the mouse.

I'm sitting here staring at footage of the beautiful angel or fallen maybe?

"She and her friend took the phone from the table and left." Lexi stated while looking over at the footage.

"Hmm...Their names?" I questioned while sitting back in my chair.

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