Good girl

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Bonnie Davis

"So, you two are...together?" Antonio asked Enzo as I came downstairs. I slept in my second room because I don't know about everything yet.

"I don't know, all I know is that she is mine-

"I belong to myself because I am-

"A grown-ass woman!" everybody said in unison. I rolled my eyes and saw Isaiah in Enzo's arms.

"Hey, little man," I said while sitting on the stool beside them, I pinched his cheeks and he smiled leaving me in awe.
"Can I hold him?" I asked Enzo. Enzo thought about it before saying "no".

"Uncle Enzo wants to get his butt whooped doesn't he, little man? Yes, he does!" I said in a baby voice. Enzo laughed before handing him to me. I kissed his chunky cheeks and stared at Enzo while he smiled at us. I blushed and bit my lip.

"So, you two watch, and I'll come back to get him in....a few hours." Zuri said before walking out with Elijah and Antonio.

"Wait, we didn't agree-

"Thank you!" Elijah yelled before the front door slammed shut. I laughed as I gave Enzo back the baby and stood up to go upstairs.

I got out of the shower and put on my lingerie set and some shorts before combing my hair. I set my phone up on the stand and decided to do a Tiktok with my shirt off because I was hot.

"Ima ride you like a rodeo, hogtie you like a rodeo," I sang as I did the dance movements. "Rodeo- City Girls"

I picked up my phone and laughed as I thought it was funny, I slipped my shirt back on and walked out of the bathroom. I walked down the hall as I heard the baby crying, Enzo was in his office rocking the baby back and forth trying to shush it.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I walked over to him. He handed me the baby and I rocked him slowly while humming.

"He just won't stop cry -...never mind." he stated as Isaiah stopped crying and was closing his eyes to sleep. I continued to rock him as I felt Enzo's eyes watch me, I looked up at him and smiled before putting Isaiah in his bassinet.

"Thank you," He said before collapsing in his chair. I smirked at him before almost walking out.
"Bonnie, you would really make a wonderful mother, as I said before months ago when you came from the mall." he said. I turned around, surprised, and I smiled before walking over to him.

"You remember that?" I asked while laughing. He nodded "yes" before trying to sip some Bourbon, but I pulled it away.
"You know I don't like it when you drink," I stated. He laughed and nodded before standing up and grabbing my wrist to pull me into him.


"Tigre, I've missed you! I want you back," he said. I looked down at my feet, but he lifted my face with his hand.

"I've missed you too, but we both know why I left in the first place, I wasn't protected and was unsure-

"But I've made my mafia strong, amore! I can protect you now, prom-

"You can't keep making promises that you can't keep, Enzo! You did before and you've failed over and over again, I left for my safety and security. I've never been in danger since I've left unless I was doing missions, I love you, but-

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