Queen Aurora

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Bonnie Davis

I woke up early this morning and cooked so much food and made Aurora the plate of her life. Her birthday is today and I plan on giving her breakfast in bed.
"Sissy is ten, baby." I said to Alanna as she ate berries in her high chair. I kissed her cheek and a knock the door sounded. I went to get it and Enzo stood there in his suit and held a huge gift bag.

"Good morning, tigre." He said to me. I smiled and he leaned down to kiss me. He pulled away and I rushed to set up Aurora's tray of food.

"Where is mine-

"It is your daughter's birthday, I made this for her." I said and he frowned. "It's right there, Miele, I was joking." I said and he grabbed his plate. I laughed and went upstairs and carefully opened Aurora's door.

"Wake up, birthday girl." I told her and shook her awake. She looked at me and when she seen the food she sat up, immediately.
"My favorite!" She squealed and I laughed. I kissed her cheek.

"Happy birthday, amore." I told her.

"Thanks, mom." She said and I smiled.

She started eating and Enzo knocked on her door with Alanna in his arms. Aurora moved her tray of food to the side and jumped up. Enzo sat Alanna on the ground to let her attempt to crawl off and Aurora jumped onto Enzo.

"I missed you!" She yelled and he laughed.

Enzo just got back from Russia today and we were all pretty worried about him. I am not going to get excited, because I'm mad that he isn't taking my side on if she should go to school.

"How was Russia?!" She asked and he told her all about it and how cold it was. He told her how he saw a polar bear and I am sure that was a lie to make her laugh. She laughed hard when he said it attacked them and he had to swim across the freezing lake to get onto the boat.

Yeah, he's lying.

"If that lake was freezing how did the boat get in?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.
"Magic, duh!" He said and Aurora laughed. He let her open her gifts and it was a huge nail kit with everything she needed.

That bitch! He stole my gift!

"Ahh!" She screamed and our eyes widened until she jumped on him. He laughed and kissed her face. Kristoff ran in growling looking for trouble, but didn't find anything, so he left. He has been getting tired lately, so I will have to take him to the vet soon to check him out.

"I love it, dad, thank you!" she said and he nodded.

"He stole that idea-

"From you, I guessed it." She said and I laughed. She hugged and thanked me as well.

"But I bought it-

"Enzo, shut up." I said and he glared. I looked at the food and he hummed in victory.
"Finish eating and get ready for our flight." I told her and she nodded. She hurried to eat and I checked the time to see it's five in the morning.

"Did you eat?" I asked Enzo and he nodded. Alanna tugged at Enzo's pants and tried to eat it, but he picked her up making her laugh. He threw her up and when he caught her, her eyes were wide and she was frozen. She didn't laugh but when her lip trembled I hit Enzo. She did laugh at that and I did it again.

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