Your friend was a mouse?

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Bonnie Davis

"See, sweet Bonnie, it wasn't that bad." Carlos, one of Enzo's men said. I pulled away from him and grabbed the food.
"It's unhealthy to not be eating." he stated before leaving. I sighed and put the food to the side, It wasn't even me that they wanted, they just wanted Enzo to feel pain.

I've been sitting in a cell for weeks and I only can take a shower at the end of every week. The guards are nice, though. Ray was full of rage when he finally got me. He tied me to a chair the first week and electrocuted me as a game. He would sit in front of me and eat Mexican food with chocolate cake as I would be getting waterboarded.

My tracker stopped working, I could tell because we are underground, oh, and the phone I had, I stuck it a vent when I came. Now, I'm in a different room and I can't get it. I'm not even going to lie, I cried today because they didn't have chocolate cake or Mexican food.

All they fucking feed me is bread, beans, or crackers like what the fuck? I can't get noodles or something, how about a decent cup of fucking water?

No, didn't think so because Ray low down ass comes in here just to eat Mexican food in front of my face. Today he came in and handed me some crackers while eating chocolate cake, that's when I cried. I didn't stop crying until Carlos came in here and comforted me.

"Can I get some water?" I yelled as the door opened. I looked up and in walked the reason I was here. The person I thought I could trust but no, they are still as horrible as when I met them...Oh and let me not forget his little pink sidekick.

"Satan, Saggy tiddies, to what do I owe the pleasure of speaking to your royal highnesses?" I asked as I bowed with a smirk.

"Ahh, the bitch is still alive!" Little miss crybaby stated.

"Uhh, duh or maybe you were thinking I was a ghost?" I said as I walked over to my bed. Candy walked up to me and slapped me.

"Whore! I've known him longer than you and he chose you? Hell no!" She yelled. I put my plate down and stood up, slowly. She took a step back but I shook my head.

"I know this bitch did not just slap me? I know this-

I did what any regular person would have did...I socked the bitch in her jaw. Wow, I'm really getting out of shape, that fucking hurt!

"Stop!" Francisco yelled as he grabbed me. He threw me on the bed before hugging Candy.
"Uhh, not you fucking your sons sloppy seconds. Now thats just sad." I stated as I shook my head in disbelief. He growled at me and I laughed.

"You still didn't tell me why you are here!" I reminded and before I knew it, he came towards me with a knife.

"I was kidding! It was a joke! Candy's boobs are sitting high up, higher than the clouds themselves! Stop!" I yelled as he grabbed me. "Look, you guys look like a beautiful couple! Great even, I will gladly come to your wedding if you don't kill me!" I yelled before shutting my eyes. I felt my shirt get ripped off my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he brought the knife to my shoulder.

"Taking out your tracker so we can move from being underground." he states before slicing my arm. I screamed as he dug his finger into my wound and tore the chip out.

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