Just friendly?

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Antonio Romano

I was pacing back and forth past Lexi's door trying to decide when I should go in. Enzo grabbed me then thumped me on the head.

"Just go ask her and stop being a fucking pussy!"he whispered to me.

"You're right...I'm going to go," I said as I just stood frozen at her door. Enzo huffed before opening her door and pushing me inside, he shut the door before I could turn around.

"Hey, Tonio!" Lexi greeted as she was sitting on her bed watching tv. I waved and sat on her bed beside her, she ate ice cream and sucked it from the spoon. I cussed, silently to myself and wished to be that spoon.

Ask her out!

Oh, right! Right!

How do I start this off...Oh, fuck! I think I might throw up! Wait, I'm not scared, I'm just...badass!

"So, Lexi..." I cleared my throat as she stared at me with wide eyes, begging me to continue.

"Yes?" She asked while laughing, nervously.

"Would you like to...go on a date...with me?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she shrugged before filing her nails. I glared at her completely ignoring my question.

Fuck he-

"Why? Why do you want to go on a date-

"It's a yes or no question, stop making this fucking difficult! Can't you see I'm sweating and I am about to pass out...just say yes or no before I shit my pants and put a spider in your bed!" I let out. Lexi started laughing then threw the file at me.

"Sure! I would love to go on a date with you, rango!" She said before hugging me.

She smells like heaven.

(Translation: Spidey)

"I understand, I was just asking- Wait! You said yes?" I asked. She nodded and I grabbed her to pull her onto my lap, I hugged her and laughed as she kissed my cheek.

"This is the best Christmas-

She cut me off by connecting her lips with mine, her lips were soft and warm leaving me with chills. I didn't hesitate to quicken and deepen the kiss, she moaned in my mouth and I cussed. I flipped us and started kissing her cheek and neck.

Is it too early to say I am in love with her?

Enzo Romano

Antonio ran into my office and I dropped my pen and handed him a cake that said "I'm sorry she said no, I still love you though!" on it. Antonio took the cake from my hand and flipped me off.

"She said yes, cugino! She even kissed me! Not one of the lustful kisses, one of those kisses that make you feel jittery inside." he said, excitedly. I pushed my chair back and ran towards him placed my hand on his shoulder.

"She said yes?" I asked.

"She said fucking yes, Enzo!" Antonio yelled before hugging me. My door opened and in came an excited Bonnie Davis.

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