What did Antonio do?!

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Aurora Romano

I woke up and looked outside to see it was snowing. I squealed and ran to mom's room where I seen dad holding mom. Alanna was in her bassinet beside them and I slowly walked more into the room. I smiled and jumped onto both of them.

"Wake up! It's Christmas, mommy!" I yelled and rolled on top of both of them. They groaned in pain and I laughed when dad tickled my side. Mom sat up and I got on top of her. "It's Christmas." I whispered and she looked at me, tiredly.

"Your breath stinks." She said and my smile fell while dad laughed. "Yours does too." I said and blew my breath in her face, purposely. She gagged and I laughed.
"Mom, come on." I whined. She laid back down and I looked down at her.

"Aurora!" She yelled when I licked her face.
Dad laughed and she sat up, angrily.

"I love you." I said, nervously. I hurried and got off of her so she wouldn't grab me. She threw the covers off and she was in her bra and panties.

"Let's go." I said and tried to pull her out, but she just grabbed me and picked me up.
"I take pictures, Aurora, I have to get dressed." She said and I huffed.

She always wants to take pictures! We should just be naked and let our bodies breathe without photos, Bryan said that being naked let's your body breathe. Mom doesn't let me be naked! My body and her body is suffocating!

I wrapped my arms around her neck and put our foreheads together. I scrunched my face and she did as well. I laughed and she kissed my cheek, repeatedly.

"Fine." I said and she took me into her closet. She put me down and I shut the closet door behind us so dad wouldn't see.

"Why is he here?" I whispered yelled. She smirked at something, but shook it off.

"He was worried and came last night. I found him watching you sleep." She said and I almost smiled.

He knew to fight the monsters away.

"He wasn't going to let the monsters get me." I whispered and she laughed. She put on her matching pajama set to me and Alanna.
"Okay, let's go." I said and pulled her out. She laughed and dad had on shorts and no shirt. I laughed as I seen my name on his chest with Alanna's. "That's my name." I said and ran to him. He nodded and I pointed to it to show mom. She came over and looked at it. Alanna's foot was printed there and her name. My name was there and a little hand print.

My hand is small.

I touched it.

He really loves me.

"I'm still mad at you." I said and folded my arms. He grabbed me and tossed me up making me screamed. He caught me and I held him tight.

"I know, butterfly." He whispered and kissed my cheek. Mom grabbed Alanna and dad carried me downstairs. He put me down and I looked at the huge gift that wasn't there last night.
"Uncle Tonio brought that." Mom said and put Alanna in her swing. Most of the gifts under the tree were mine and maybe eight were Alanna's, but like a hundred were mine!

"Okay, start opening them." My mom said. I opened the biggest one and I was confused until I see the box that had a picture of a vanity on it. I dropped to my knees and my mom laughed.

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