Dad's leaving?

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Bonnie Davis

Aurora came home angry from school and just ran straight to her room. Before I could go check on her the school called.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, is this Bonnie Romano, Aurora's mother?" The teacher asked. I'm so used to the last name that I eventually stuck with it.
"Yes, this is she. What is this about?" I asked and went to pour me some wine, because I know it's some bullshit.
"Well, umm...I don't know how to put this, so let me just say it." She said and that made me freeze.

"Don't scare me like that." I said and she took a breath.

"Aurora kissed Christian and Marco on the mouth, then she sucked on Marco's neck leaving a bruise. She said she wanted to see if it would work, but the kiss was a dare. A student snitched and we watched the security tapes." She said and my soul left my body.

Enzo is going to murder her! Not literally, hopefully!

"Thank you for telling me, I will handle it." I said and hung up. I called Enzo and waited for him to pick up.

"What, amore, I am in an important meet-

"Aurora kissed a school! Marco and Christian then she sucked Marco's neck, because she wanted to see if it would work! Enzo I am a horrible mother!" I yelled and chugged my wine before pouring more.

"Bonnie." His tone scared the fuck out of me.

"Tell me you are fucking lying or so help me god I will send that girl to military camp or some shit!" He yelled and that made me tense.
"N-no, I am not lying. I just got the call and Aurora has locked herself in her room." I said and sipped my wine. He went silent.

"I'm on my way." He said and hung up. I took my wine and slowly went up each step trying to find words to say. I opened Aurora's door and she was crying.
"I'm sorry, mom!" She cried and sat up.

"You-..." I cleared my throat. "Aurora, stop crying." My tone scared me on how I snapped on her. She wiped her face and looked at me.
"Tell me what the fuck happened, right now. Do not leave a fucking detail out or I promise you, Aurora, I promise you! You will not like the punishment I have set for you!" I yelled and she jumped. Her eyes widened and when she went to talk, hard knocks landed at my door.

"You called dad!" She yelled and I ignored her panic and went to open the door.

How the hell did he get here so fast?!

"Where is she?!" He yelled and pushed past me. "Aurora!" Enzo yelled and busted into her room. She was crying again and he went to pull her up from bed.

"What the hell happened?!" He yelled at her. He grabbed her face to search her for any marks or anything. "Did they force you to do this? I know they did, I'll handle this! I will kill them! Understand, princess?! I knew you wouldn't do anything like that, they forced you, I will kill them!" He said and cupped her face.

"N-no." She mumbled. She sat back down and the anger that came from him made Aurora scoot back and I took a step back.
"Excuse me?" He said, lowly. "Fix and wipe your face when I am talking to you." He snapped and I fixed my face for some reason.

She wiped her face clean and straightened up.

"Tell the full story, now!" He demanded.

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