Knock Knock, Bitch!

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Hello, love bugs, I've been working on a new book, it is ongoing. There is a small crossover! Here is a sneak peek, this is chapter 39, it's an update on the Romano's.

 There is a small crossover! Here is a sneak peek, this is chapter 39, it's an update on the Romano's

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"Lorenzo Romano, nice to finally meet you." I shook Lorenzo's hand. His wife stood by his side, she was a very beautiful woman, she scared me though. She glared at every woman even while her children were beside her, and might I say she had quite a few of them.

"Likewise, this is my wife, Bonnie Romano." He introduced and Bonnie smiled and shook my hand. She had tattoos all over her right arm and she wore a tight dark blue dress. She had an incredible body for someone who has given birth three times, and she has twins!

"Nice to meet you, and congratulations, the wedding was beautiful. Your husband attended our wedding five years ago." She said with a warm smile, she's so welcoming. I don't understand why Giovanni said she's crazy so don't piss her off.
"This is my daughter Aurora, my six year old Alanna, my four year old Leonardo, and my two year old twins Luca and Ariana." She introduced me to her children.

"You have quite the crew on you, Gio was telling me about you both raising Aurora up to be the next capo." I mentioned and she nodded and flattened Aurora's hair. Aurora just stared at me and observed me, she was in an all black body dress and she had stiletto black nails.

She looks eighteen but she's only sixteen or seventeen. She had the Romano tattoo on her shoulder, the nose piercings with her grown features makes her look older.

"Yes, well, Enz is training her young, she won't take over for a long time and I mean fifteen to twenty years." Bonnie said and Aurora rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. I need to take this it's Adriano." Aurora said as her phone started blasting music.

"She ride d*ck like a carnival. Bend her over having flashback-

Oh wow, what a ringtone...*cough*

"It's who?" Enzo came out of nowhere and Bonnie calmed him.

"I told you no talking to that boy-

"Shut up, papà, I can date him if I want-

"Little girl!" He raised his voice.

"I'm not little anymore, Adriano and I love each other!" She shouted.

Okay, awkward...*cough*.

"You do not need to be around that little boy."

"Oh please, there is nothing little about him." She smirked and crossed her arms. Her face then fell as she realized what she said, Bonnie whipped her head to her daughter faster than anyone could blink.

"W-wait, pa-

"Aurora Romano!" He yelled and she flinched along with every one else.

Shit just got real, quick.

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