You didn't love her

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Bonnie Davis

"Hi...Sasha," Enzo said as he answered the phone. I was confused because I've never heard of a Sasha before. I mean there was this run-in with a Sasha a few years back from my uncle, but I don't think it could be her.

"I'm going to call you back." Enzo said before hanging up, I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to tell me who she was or at least complain about her to me...but he didn't. He usually tells me or complains to me about a call, but not this time.

"Who's Sasha?" I asked as I eyed him, he cleared his throat, touched the back of his neck, and avoided eye contact. Who the hell is this bitch?

I stopped leaning on the wall as the door opened and I limped out.
When we got to the room Enzo sat down, but I continued to stand.

"Why the fuck are you acting nervous? You're never nervous unless you're hiding something, what is it?" I asked as I walked closer to him. He cleared his throat again.

"What are you talking about, amore?" He asked.

"You continue to clear your throat and fidget, I've learned a few things and you're thinking of lying to me, hm?" I asked and he shook his head and stood up.
"She's no one important, just someone I used to hang out with." he said as he undid his tie, I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"We'll see," I said as I took off my robe then laid my "Anna" necklace on the nightstand. Enzo side-eyed me as I laid down, he sat on the edge of the bed, thinking about something.
I opened my arms inviting him in so we could cuddle, he looked at my opened arms and smirked before making his way over to me. He kissed me and laid his full body on top of me.

"Enzo, I can't breathe!" I let out as he was sprawled out on top of me. He used my breast as a pillow and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How do you think I be feeling when you be sitting on my face-

"Stop!" I yelled and slapped his back, he laughed and reached up to kiss me. I grabbed his face and flipped us over, never breaking the kiss. He groaned as our lips continued to move in sync and as my hands pulled his hair. I bit his bottom lip and slowly released it then choked him.

"I only sit on your face because you make me, and I just have the pleasure of enjoying it." I whispered to him then bit his lip, hard. He groaned and I stopped biting on it and just sucked it. I ran my tongue along m the bite marks and kissed it.

"All better-

He flipped us back over, but this time he pinned my arms down.

"Hell, no!" I yelled as he started holding both of my wrists with one hand, his other hand caressed my stomach and thigh.

"Enzo, I don't feel like getting tic-

He cut me off by tickling me under my arms and stomach, but when he got to the thighs I started screaming. I don't know what makes my thighs so sensitive, but if you tickle them then I'll have a tickle attack.

"Stop!" I let out as tears started falling from my eyes from laughing so much. Enzo stopped and started poking my stomach.
"Stop, there's a baby in there!" I told him, he looked up at me as if he had seen a ghost.

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