You won't be shown this type of mercy

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Bonnie Davis

"Like bitch, what were you thinking taking that phone? It was so unworth it." Raven said as he was taking me to my friends.

"I don't know, he was hot and I just wanted to know him, but now that I do I wish I didn't." I said, frowning.

"I understand girl, just don't judge a book by it's cover, even if you did scan through a few pages...Here you are." Raven said, smiling leaving me with my friend.

"Bonnie bear!!" Zuri yelled as she ran up to hug me, knocking me down to the ground. I got up and stared at her as she was in tears.
"Are you alright? Where is Ty?" I asked, worriedly.
"I'm okay, I was just in shock over the whole kidnapping thing," she said while dabbing her eyes.

" I don't know where Ty is-

She was saying until the door opened.

Ty came in and tackled us back to the ground.

"ow, bitch...get the fuck off me. I can't breathe!" I let out while struggling to breathe.

"Ty, seriously, get off me, bitch!!" Zuri said struggling also.

He finally got off of us.

"I just missed my main bitches you don't have to be rude," he said, rolling his eyes.
"I'm only heavy because I got all this ass, anyway." He said turning around so we can see his butt.

Zuri and I started laughing and we did a group hug.

"I've missed you guys so fucking much it hurt," I said with tears in my eyes.
"We missed you to, bitch, but if you get snot on my shirt, we are fighting!" Ty said in a serious tone that made me laugh.

"Guys, I'm so hungry," Zuri said, but didn't this bitch sell us out for some food, like how are you still hungry?
"They said you sold us out for some food, how are you still hungry?" I asked while rolling my eyes.

"You did what bitch? How the hell did you sell us out for food?"Ty asked then looked at me with a knowing expression
"Bonnie, and do not act all loyal now, because they said you sold us out because they put you under pressure. Which I kinda would have guessed speaking that you do not do well under pressure." Ty said as if it was obvious

I flipped him off.

Okay, look, I'm going to tell you why he said that, okay.

A few months back, Zuri had edibles underneath the seat and we got pulled over. Everything was going smooth until the officer asked if we had any illegal substances in the vehicle, I mumbled a "no" and he gave me a look. I looked over at Zuri and Ty and they shook their head then when I looked at the officer, I gulped and nodded "yes"!
On accident! I thought I shook my head "no" but no, I didn't, and that was when I blurted it all out. Zuri did her little seduction thing to get me out of the ticket but when the officer left, they gave me hell!

"I was just hungry, they said they were going to torture me and keep me in here to starve. So, I did the only reasonable thing and that was to tell them everything, then they gave me a sandwich. Let me tell you sorry because that sandwich was nasty, it was so unworth it. So I didn't eat it." Zuri said while shrugging.

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