My Punishment

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Bonnie Davis

So, two days ago, Enzo decided that it'll be a good idea to not have sex. I'm not saying it's a bad thing...well kind of because when I was kidnapped and craved his touch...I wanted him.

He's a sexually driven person, one touch will have his ass floating. I only get horny off of his personality, his touch, and the way he treats me will have my panties feeling like I dived into the Atlantic.

I've been in this room for the past two days and I am hungry. When I feel empty or sad, I can't eat, but sometimes I can...I really can't explain it but...yeah. I've texted my mom and called her just so she could know that I'm okay. Enzo's lies still had her panicking because she thought I was mad about what she told me on my birthday. Speaking of birthdays...Ty's birthday is next week....WAIT!

Ty's birthday is next week!

I jumped out of bed while in my undergarments and threw on a robe. I opened the door, hearing a bang and I ran downstairs to find Raven and Zuri.

"Raven, Zuri!" I yelled as they were sitting in Lexi's room.

"Oh, look who finally realized my boyfriend's birthday is next week." Raven said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes a flipped him off.

"Raven, shut the fuck up because you forgot about my birthday last month." I reminded him and thumped him on the side of the head. He shrugged his shoulders and apologized.

We went over a few Ideas, but none of them screamed...Ty!

Oh, wait.

"We could throw a strip club party!" I yelled out and Zuri squealed.
"Hell yeah!" Zuri and Raven screamed before jumping up in down.
"We go to Enzo's club and we'll have his closest friends there, and we could even do a strip dance for him." Raven said while tapping his chin.

I looked confused...Enzo owns a strip club? Damn, I find something new about him everyday...we really need to go on a date!

"Why the hell are you all scream-...Bon." Enzo greeted me in a low voice causing me to nod and look away from him.

"Oop!" Zuri said then looked at Raven.

"Are they in an argument or nawl?" Raven whispered to Zuri, and she shrugged while looking at Enzo through the corner of her eye.

"Shut up!" I groaned in annoyance at them and rolled my eyes. Enzo stood there in the doorway staring at me, I stood up and went over to him.

"Can we borrow your club to throw a party for Ty?" I asked him as Zuri and Raven got quiet.
"Please!" Raven begged from behind me, Enzo never took his eyes off of me before shaking his head "no". I gave a confused look before rolling my eyes.

"Damn, why do you always have to be difficult?!" I yelled before shoving past him, I walked to his office and went over his to his desk. I went through some files and documents, but before I knew it Enzo came in through the door then locked it.

"What the hell are you doing, Bonnie?" He asked me as he made his way towards me, I rolled my eyes before tightening my robe.

"So, your father isn't dead, I see." I stated while reading the paper that was in my hand. Enzo snatched the paper from my hand and threw it in the drawer before slamming it shut. He grabbed my arm and forced me towards him.

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