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Bonnie Romano

"She's the cutest thing, ever!" My mom said as she kept kissing and hugging Alanna. I laughed and Aurora talked with dad. They were talking about something important.

We came down here today after two weeks in the Bahamas. Everyone had a great time. Alanna is eight months and Enzo has been so protective over her since she attempts to walk and crawl everywhere. She's very active and she loves getting her hands on things like paper and glass.

"Is she always this happy?" Mom asked as Alanna started laughing and slobbering with her hand deep in her mouth. I took it out and nodded.
"Yes, she's a happy baby." I said and laughed. She reached for me and I grabbed her. I placed her on my chest and Enzo wiped her mouth with a napkin. He cleaned her hand too then gave her a pacifier. She spat it out and put her hand back in her mouth.

"That'll become a habit and it will stick." My mom said and that is what I feared. I took her hand from her mouth and she cried. I stood up with her and Enzo grabbed her from me. He walked outside and I rolled my eyes.

"He's dramatic." I said and she laughed.

"Your father was very much like that when I had you. Always over protective and never letting you get hurt. He loves you always and it annoyed the hell out of me when he spoiled you." She said and I laughed. I looked at Aurora as she and dad was in deep conversation.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked and they looked at me with a smile.
"All good things." Aurora said and I laughed. Enzo came in and went over to give Alanna to dad. Dad kissed her face.

"Yes!" Dad and Aurora said and Aurora kissed her face. Mom went over to them and I followed last.
"What are you doing?" Enzo asked and grabbed my hands. I smiled and he pulled me over to the middle of the living room.

"Trying to see why you all are huddled up around my baby whispering things to her." I said and he laughed. He looked down at me and I smiled at him.
"Sei così bella." He whispered and I blushed. He kissed my cheek.

"Enzo, we should-

"Go on a date and leave the kids here? I couldn't agree more." He said and I laughed. I agreed with him and grabbed his face to bring him lower to me.
"We should...make a movie." I whispered and his eyes went wide.

"What?!" He coughed, hard and my parents looked over. He looked at me.
"Enzo! Are you okay?" My mom asked and patted his back.
"Wow." She said and felt his back. I laughed and moved her hand from him.


"A-a what?" He asked and I smirked. I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer.
"We should, shouldn't we? That would be fun, I think." I said and he was just staring at me, shocked.

"You are wild, neonata." He whispered and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.
"Alright, you have the kids for the day...days." Enzo said and whispered the last part.

"I heard that!" My dad yelled and Enzo rushed out making me laugh. He hurried to the car and put me in before getting in himself, he drove off and the windows were down, making my hair go everywhere and my glasses wiggled. Enzo grabbed my hand and I fixed the top to my white dress.


"What are we doing here?" I asked Enzo as we were at the beach. He dragged me down while holding my shoes, and candles and a picnic came into view. I smiled and ran to it while pulling him. "This is cute!" I said and pouted. He kissed my pouted lips.
"I love it, but you didn't have to do this. We could have ate out." I said and he smiled.

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