Spoiled brat

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Bonnie Davis

Aurora has been with us for officially a month now. Isaiah's birthday is tomorrow and I am now six months pregnant.

"Aurora!" I yelled as I went into her room to see clothes everywhere. She came from her closet with goggles and a Superman cape on.

"Mom, Antonio hid my phone and I can't find it!" She said and dropped to the ground to check under her bed. I shook my head and went to her dresser, I found her phone in the first drawer. I cleared my throat and held the phone out, she smiled and tried to grab it, but I held it back.

"Clean up, then you can have your phone back." I said and she huffed.
"Fine." She said and started folding her clothes. I put the phone on the dresser and went to put her pink dress in the closet, she will be wearing it to the party.

"Principessa." Enzo called out. I smiled and Enzo came into the room.

"Dad, mom won't let me get my phone. She says it's because my room is dirty, but she will make another excuse." She said and sat on bed. I gave her a look and she started back folding her clothes.

Yes, I may come up with another excuse, but she rarely cleans. The room is a mess, the living room is a mess, and the kitchen is a mess. Her and Antonio have been running around like dogs, yes, I let her have her fun, but she should respect her space. Enzo has to beat Antonio with a broom and yell at him in Italian to clean up.

"Don't, Enzo." I warned and he sighed.

"You can get your phone back immediately after you clean up your room." He said and she smiled. I went to take the goggles off of her head and she let me.

"When was the last time you brushed your hair, Ro?" I asked and looked at the naps. Her hair was beyond tangled and some came off with the goggles. She huffed.

"I don't want to brush my hair. Uncle Tonio says that brushing your hair is for losers. I am not a loser, mom." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Uncle Tonio is going to be the reason your phone gets took, understand that." I said and she frowned. "Come down for breakfast when you are finish." I said and left the room. I shut her door back and Enzo kissed my head.

"You can't be serious, amore. Her phone is how she stays in contact with her friends...Raven and Ty." He said and I shrugged.

She still doesn't have friends with kids her age, but I'm working on it. It's a work in progress.

"I don't care. I also want to talk about letting Aurora go back to school. She was supposed to start last month, but she didn't, so I want her to start in a few weeks." I said and he frowned.

"But I don't want her to leave. She should just be home schooled. That way, if anyone messes with her I can kill them." He said and I shook my head as I made Aurora a plate. "Allergic." Enzo said before I could grab some banana slices.

"I know that, Enny." I said and grabbed grapes. I put her plate beside Lexi, and Aurora come down in a one pice swim suit with a pair of shorts on.

"I don't remember you asking to swim-

"Daddy." She sang out ready to manipulate him into giving her whatever she wants. Enzo smiled, ready to be the fool in the manipulation.

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