The interrogation

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Bonnie Davis

I woke up to the sound of water droplets hitting the ground. That's when I made the mistake of even getting up, because I was hit with the appalling smell of shit! No, not shit it smelled worst than that.

I sat up on the bed, slowly because I was starting to feel dizzy but it slowed down. I'm now taking a look around and...

"What the hell?" was all I thought like literally, what in the hell!

I am in a dark, gloomy room with a twin-size bed, no covers or pillows just a mattress that has stains. That is what made me hop up, quickly. The room had one door and a bucket to the side of the room, red and brown stains all over.

Now that I'm looking close it looked like blood because in veterinary school I learned blood turns brown after so long.


"Wait, where the hell are Ty and Zuri?" I questioned to myself. I ran towards the door trying to open it, but of course, it's locked.

I was about to start banging, until I heard footsteps and someone mumbling from under the door. Someone was about to come in, so I ran back to the bed and sat down.

I have seen enough interrogation and kidnapping shows, so I know I have to put my acting skills to work.

The sound of keys entering the lock made me snap out of my thoughts. The door opened and two men came in.

"Good afternoon, Miss. Davis," one of the men said.
"Hi," I said and put on my tough act knowing damn good and well I might start crying.

"What do you want? Who are you?" I questioned with a brave look on my face.

"That's none of you-

"I'm Raven and this is Elijah." Raven said with a polite smile on his face.

"Che diavolo, perché le stai dicendo i nostri nomi?" the man, whose name is Elijah said.

(Translation: What the hell, why are you telling her our names?)

While they started bickering I zoned out studying them.

They are hot i'll give them that.

Raven stood around the same height as Elijah. He had tanned skin, I am guessing he's Italian from what Elijah had spoken. Raven had dark, black hair and his nose was pierced, one ear as well. He had hazel eyes and wore a white dress shirt and black dress pants. The top of the shirt was unbuttoned.

Elijah stood tall around 6'2 ft if I am not mistaken. He had nice, beautiful lighter chocolate skin, tattoos were imprinted within his arms. His eyes were a beautiful brown color. He worse a black shirt that hugged his body, showing the outline of his abs and muscle. He had on red sweat pants with keys hanging from the pocket.

"Stop arguing I can hear you down the hall!" a man with light brown hair, dark eyes, and wore black came in.

"Yes, please stop arguing I already have a headache from that drug you gave me," I said while rubbing my temples.

"Sorry, I'll just go keep our other company" Raven said while smiling before leaving.
"I am Antonio by the way and you're hot." Antonio said smirking and winking at me, I laughed, but Elijah tried to shove him out of the room.

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