I'm going to kiss you, okay?

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Bonnie Davis-

"There goes one of my main bitches!" Ty said as I limped into the training gym. Those stairs really did a number in me last night, I think I sprained my ankle.

"Hey," I said, tiredly and sat down on the bench beside him.

"You okay?" Raven asked, causing Enzo and Ty to look at me.
"Yeah, I'm just tired, you know?" I said, putting my water down and standing up . I was getting ready to limp to a punching bag when Raven grabbed my arm.

"Why are you limping?" Raven asked getting a little worried, but Ty's face looked completely opposite.

"My bitch got fucked last night!" Ty yelled proudly, but I covered his mouth with my hand.

"Stop!" I said as I uncovered his mouth.
I looked at Enzo to see him bursting with rage for some reason, but who gives a fuck?

"What are you talking about, she was with you last night, wasn't she?" Enzo asked while balling up his fist. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that little white lie.
"Umm...n-...YES, yeah, yeah she was with us all last night." Ty lied as I gave him a look.

"No, she wasn't we-

Raven said, but Ty interrupted.

"He has short term memory loss it's horrendous." Ty said while patting Raven on his head, but Enzo was not buying the act.

"Where were you last night?" Enzo asked in a low deep voice, pulling me into the lounge and locking the door.

"Nowhere, I was with Ty last night he ju-

"Don't fucking lie to me, Bonnie!" He yelled at me, causing me to flinch back hurting my ankle a little.

"I was watching a movie with...Angel." I said mumbling Angel's name so he couldn't really hear it.

"With who? I couldn't quite hear you, tigre?"

"With Angel...I watched a movie with Angel, but nothing happened! Not that it's any of you your b-

"You have one more fucking time to say that shit to me!" He said, choking me to the wall. I am starting to love this kink!

Damn, I'm a whore.

"Aye, what did I tell you about-

"I don't give a fuck! What did you and Angel do when you watched the movie?" He asked and let me go, but not walking away from me. I frowned at the lost contact.

"We just ate, drank, and slept, nothing too serious." I said while shrugging and biting my lip.

"Your lying!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Then why the hell are you biting your bottom lip? You only do that when you're nervous, about to lie, or when you're horny and I've seen all three." He said, looking down at me and taking a step back to fold his arms.

"So, nice weather to-

"Stop fucking playing with me, Bonnie-

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