I'm going deaf, mane

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Bonnie Davis

Four months later-

I've gotten pretty good with my fighting skills, I've even learned some new skills from watching black widow fight.
Enzo left that day and I haven't seen him since. Everyone else disappeared too. I've been by myself this whole time, I even got my revenge on Angel two months ago after he played me and Jessica.

Jess is a cool friend, we've grown closer this past month, but she could never replace my bitches.
Well, they were my bitches until they left without saying goodbye. I haven't gotten a phone call or anything in two months, so life has been boring.

Michael, my new trainer and new partner on missions has taught me so much. I learned new skills and how to throw blades. (FYI. my favorite part)

My mother has been the only person I call when I need to talk about things, just not nothing about spy work and missions.

"Bon, are you ready?" Michael asked, knocking me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, I was just thinking. I'm ready now." I said as I grabbed my duffle bag and my machine gun. I call it chocolate bunny because it's brown and black

I put on the rest of my earwear and looked in the mirror.

We're going to a party for information on a mole in our system. I've been going over the list of potential targets, but none of them fill the spot.
I can't find out who would bomb the B1 south warehouse. There were many casualties and many were killed, but we need to explain that to Capo.

I grabbed everything and headed outside.

"Go ahead, Pete," I said to Peter as I got into the limo.

"So are you excited to see capo because I am not?" Michael asked, shaking his head and taking a sip of champagne.

"I've prepared, I'm going to be professional and smart. I understand that I might see my old friends there, but I am here for my job nothing more nothing less." I said, taking a sip of my champagne as well.

"Amen, sister, cheers to that." Michael said hitting our glasses together causing me to laugh.
"Don't waste that shit in my seat, Mike!" Peter yelled as he viewed us through the mirror.

"So before we get there I need you to be professional-

I was saying but Micheal interrupted me by humming to "Drivers Licence" , so I told Pete to turn it down.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" He asked folding his arms like a baby.


"What? Is there something on my face?" he asked, wiping off his face.

"What? No! Pay attention... We need to tell Enzo that there's a mole at the party and that he needs to be cautious. That's it, okay?" I said to him, because he likes to talk a lot without actually thinking.

"Got it...I think," he said, causing me to hit him and laugh .

The car came to a stop and Peter got out to open the door

"Thank you, Pete," I said, kissing him on the cheek.
"Your welcome and you look beautiful, bean," he said, causing me to thank him and connect my arm with Michael's.

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