The deal

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Bonnie Davis

It's been two days now and all I've been eating is ravioli. I'm complaining because I'm only allowed water and a small bowl full of ravioli. You might not know a lot about me, but know this....I LOVE FOOD.

So for him to take away all my (probably unhealthy) foods, along with Chocolate cake. This is not a punishment... this is the pure, evil, and a absolutely disrespectful type of "TORTURE" I ended up screaming outside of my head.

I am now spread out on my bed, because I asked Antonio to sneak me a slice of chocolate cake and he said he would "yes!".

"What it do, orso grosso?"Antonio said after bursting into my room and almost breaking the door.

(Translation: Biggie bear)

I ran up and snatched the cake that was in his hand.

"Okay, be like that, but next tim-

He was saying but I interrupted with a mouth full of cake.

"Antonio, Thank you, thank you, thank you. I absolutely love you, you know that. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I said as I stared at him then back at my cake with a wide smile.

"You're welcome and I know you love me I'm awesome. They all want a piece of my this fine ass." Antonio said while turning to show me his butt and smacking it, then looked at me and smirked.

"I wasn't saying I love you, idiota. I was talking about this chocolate cake." I said while rolling my eyes.
"Oh...well we both know you still love me, orso grosso." Antonio said smirking.

(Translation: Biggie bear= orso grosso)

"I told you to stop calling me "biggie bear" that's embarrassing and so not me." I said and folded  my arms, frowning like a child

"Whatever, now we made a deal, didn't we?" Antonio said, smirking.

"No, no, nooo!" I said, putting up my hands.

"What? Come on, we made a deal and if you back out I'll tell capo about your little, torta." Antonio threatened while folding his arms knowing he had won. 

(Translation: torta =cake)

I rolled my eyes and put down the empty plate
"Fine, what do you want me to do?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips and looking at it him with curiosity.

"I am so glad you asked. So first, we need to find you something sexy to wear, if you're going to distract capo and our friends. While you're doing that, Ty and I will sneak behind everybody with water, flour, and whip cream. Things are going to get real, fast so make a run for it as soon as you can, Got it?" Antonio asked after saying his plan.

I nodded my head trying to understand but, no "You. Are. Out. Of. Your. Ever. Fucking. Lasting. Mind. If. You. Think. For. One. Second. I'm-

"I'll buy you a beautiful chocolate cake and let's not forget it's huge. Four layers huge. I'll even throw in Mexican fo-

"I'M IN!!" I hurriedly yelled at him because mama needs her Mexican, don't judge.

"Alrighty then, let's get this over with." Antonio said as he dragged me out the door.
We made it to the middle of the hallway before he turned back around and went back to my room.

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