I am a grown ass woman

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Bonnie Davis

"Bonnie!" I heard someone say while still in my slumber.
"BONNIE!" I heard Zuri yell, then someone shook me, rapidly trying to awake me.

I shot up when I felt my body getting soaking wet.
"Oh my fucking fuck!? What the hell is wrong with you?!" I screamed then started shaking.

By now I think you are aware that fuck is my favorite word.

Did these fucks forget that I have a cold? I'm starting to believe they might actually want me dead.

"Good, you are alive, yay! Now come back to bed, so you can eat!" Ty said, happily and demanding at the same time.
I looked at the spot where my broken phone used to be. I thought of the events that happened yesterday then shook my head, no, repeatedly.

"Bon, get the fuck off the floor before I drag your ass to the bed, wet." Zuri said getting ready to grab me.

I scooted back until I hit something hard. I looked back to see what I backed into and it was the one and only Capo.
I looked at him then looked away out of anger. I got up and ran straight into the bathroom then continued to lock the door.

I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. I have bags under my eyes from crying all night, my face has marks indented from the floor, and my hair is messy. "This is going to be hell combing out." I say while trying to run my fingers through it.

I picked up the brush, but a knock at the door prevented me from continuing.
I dropped the brush onto the counter and walked to the door, slowly as if it might be a killer behind it. (it might, lol)

"Bonnie bear, let me in, you need to take medicine for your cold." Zuri said and banged on the door.
"Just leave it in my room and you all can leave.  I  need to grab my clothes. I'm naked," I said, clearly lying on the last part.

I just don't want to be around any of them, especially if they're talking to my mother behind my back and not allowing me to.
Yeah, last night before Mr. Shithead broke my phone, my mom told me that she got a call from Ty and Zuri, earlier.

She also said that she didn't tell them that we talk on the phone, because our conversations are none of their business.

I smiled at that, proudly.

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked before, so come on out of the bathroom." Zuri said and started twisting the doorknob.

I have had it up to here with their lies and secrets. I can not play the role of a clueless bitch anymore, I'm too tired and stressed.

I unlocked the door and pulled it open, roughly. That caused Zuri to stumble a bit, I looked around the room to see Ty, Shitface, Zuri, Raven, and Antonio still there.

I took a deep breath.

"Can you all, please get out?" I said, briefly and calmly.

"Not until you tell us what's wrong, becca," Raven said, he smiled lightly to try to cheer me up, but I only became angrier.

"Okay, I'll tell you what's wrong, Raven. The fact that everyone here except for Antonio has been talking to my parents behind my back and letting me believe that we couldn't. That is what's wrong! What's wrong is the people I call friends and best friends lie straight to my face every time I ask why I couldn't call my mother. I had a phone the entire time and my mother told me about each call you made to her, she even asked me why I won't be there when you guys call. I just say I don't know because I really just don't be knowing what the fuck is going on. So, that right there is what's wrong with me. I-I t-thought after everything... We've been through, Zuri and Ty, that you wouldn't keep secrets, but you did, you fucking did. So, now I want you to get out and I never want to see anyone of your faces again unless I really have to." I said, trying to stop my voice from cracking because I'm on the verge of tears.

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