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Bonnie Davis

"What happened?" the woman asked as she took us to the back room.

"H-he stepped on glass-

"Ma'am, it's okay! I can see you love him very much, but he will be fine, I promise." the woman said. I nodded and Enzo pulled us out into the waiting room, I laid on his shoulder and tried to think.

"I'm sorry, Bonnie...I didn't mean to." Enzo finally let out. I raised my head from his shoulder and nodded before signing the papers they handed me.

"I know," I whispered. I finished the papers and I handed them to the Receptionist, he took them and nodded before handing me another paper.
"He will need to take a prescription of these, so he won't be in a lot of pain," he said. I nodded and took the form.


Kristoff is laying in Enzo's room to rest and I'm sitting on the bed watching him. His foot was wrapped up, but every time he moved it he whimpered. Enzo came into the room and I looked up at him before looking back at Kristoff.

"Bonnie, you need to sleep-

"Are you seriously going to stop me from leaving?" I asked him. Kristoff whimpered again and I frowned before going over to his bed and rubbing his head. I guess his medicine is wearing off, but I'll give him more.


"Answer the question! Are you going to make us stay here for your own benefit?" I asked him.

"No, I'm not...I will let you both leave because I know you'll come back," he said before walking into the bathroom.

"Then I'm leaving tomorrow," I stated. He was quiet before he came out of the bathroom and laid in bed.

"If that's what you want," he said then turned over.

"It is!" I finalized. He hummed and turned over to face me. He opened his arms to invite me in and I gave a confused look.

"It's the least you can do since you're leaving tomorrow," he said while smirking. I nodded and slowly walked to the bed, I got into it and sighed as I remembered the feeling of it from long ago. Enzo pulled me into him and I watched him as his eyes were closed, his arms wrapped around me tighter and I let a tear fall.

"I-I don't want to leave," I whispered out while crying. He opened his eyes and frowned before pulling me down into his chest.

"Then don't-

"But-But I'm not safe here! I got taken twice and tortured, I can't do it again." I cried into his chest. He sighed and kissed the top of my head, before looking down at me as I was at his chest.

"I will protect you, you will stay here and I'll protect you, do you understand?" he asked.

"Yes...I understand,"


"So, you're just never going to leave, huh?" Antonio asked me.
"Bitch, it's only been a month!" I yelled at him. He shrugged and I pushed him away, Isaiah laughed and I pushed Antonio again causing him to laugh.

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