What? Cat got ya tounge?

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Bonnie Davis-

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I jumped up and picked up my duffle bag to grab my clothes. I did my routine and put on my clothes.

Now, I'm ready to check out of this room. I grabbed my phone and opened the messages.

One message caught my attention. It was sent five minutes ago saying that "they know you're still in Italy." Then " You're at the hotel where you and Zuri stayed in." I reread the messages before sticking two guns in my waistband and a knife on my thigh.

I had to wear something that'll scream hot and powerful. It also had to be something comfortable and easy to seduce in, in case it came down to it.

I looked over my outfit choice then put on some black heel-boots. I need a tequila shot or some Rum, just thinking about it made my mouth water and throat burn.

I shook off my thoughts and grabbed my stuff. I left the room with no trace that I was ever there.
As I walked down the hall I caught lots of male attention, most of them whistled and some married man stared causing their wife to push them. I laughed and waved at them just to make them extra pissed.

I walked out of the lobby with two new phone numbers, I could have had more but they weren't...on my level.
As I was getting in the car. I caught the eyes of Enzo and Antonio from across the street. They were at the other hotel that Zuri and I went to.

I waved and smirked at them then hurried up and got in the car. They tried to run across the street but I took off before they could cross it. I drove like a madwoman until I came up to a gas station a few miles from the hotel. I knew they would have thought I would have kept going for a few more miles, but no, I didn't.

I didn't have the fucking gas to anyways.

I leaned against the car as a man named Chris, pumped the gas. I sucked on the sucker while leaning against the car, I never broke eye contact with him as he pumped...the gas.
I swirled my tongue all around the sucker and even stuck it far back in my throat, I brought it back out slowly and continued my manipulation.

Who knew the male species could get manipulated so easily. I laughed and continued to suck the sucker, I felt eyes on me causing me to turn around.
Chris finished the gas as I caught eyes again with Enzo. "Fuck!" I yelled and threw the sucker down.

I got into the car and pressed the lock button. As I started the car in hurry I heard a "Pop!" coming from the car. I heard air and the car tilted.
"That, Bitch!!" I yelled as I got out of the car. Enzo was standing beside the tires as a knife stuck out of one.

"Missed me?" He questioned with a smirk on his face. I caught the eye of Chris and walked towards his car, but Enzo grabbed my arm and choked me.

"I told you, amore. You can't hide from me," he whispered with a smirk.
"You are a bitch! You were saying all this shit to push me away and now that I left you blame me?" I said in disbelief and pushed him off of me. Chris left a while ago and I should hunt him down and kick him in the balls.

"You still work for me, amore! You can't just leave me. I am your fucking boss! What I say goes, whether you like it or not!" Enzo yelled at me.
"I am giving you the chance to gain back power. It's what you wanted in the first place, isn't it? You said I made You powerless, so now that I'm leaving it's a big deal? YOU BROKE UP WITH ME!! To be honest we weren't even together, so I shouldn't be mad that you fucked that bitch behind my back. I'm doing you a favor by leaving, Capo! So let me be, please?!" I yelled as a tear fell from my eye.

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