Being a mother of two is hard

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Bonnie Davis

After we got unpacked we went on a tour around the hotel.

"Oh my gosh! Look at that water fountain!" Zuri said, excitedly. Ty looked at her like she was crazy then rolled his eyes.

"Girl, if you don't shut you're happy ass up acting like your ass has never seen a water fountain before." He let out while cleaning his nails and rolling his eyes, again.

"I'm just saying it's beautiful, bitch! You didn't have to be rude!" Zuri yelled, angrily and folded her arms. I rolled my eyes at their childishness and ran my hand through my hair.

"I'm hungry, guys, let's go, we can finish this tour tomorrow." I said, breaking them out of their little squabble.

"Alright, let's go because I'm starving and I don't want to waste my breath on a none important bitch! Also, I spotted a beautiful Italian restaurant a few blocks back." Ty said, hungrily. I ignored Zuri's comment after and grabbed my phone.

I looked up the Italian restaurant near us and it's fancy! It's one of the restaurants where you have to dress up and spend hundreds of dollars.
I decided since we all are hungry I'll take us out to the fancy restaurant on my behalf.

We went back to our rooms to start getting ready, I bought the beautiful dress a while back for a party and I'm glad I brought it.

The dress was a body con, red dress. It hugged my body, perfectly and revealed the curves on my body. The dress exposed my cleavage, well enough to catch eyes.

Zuri wore a beautiful black dress, that she stole from me

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Zuri wore a beautiful black dress, that she stole from me. She swears it's hers but my father bought me this dress as a gift, but whatever.

 She swears it's hers but my father bought me this dress as a gift, but whatever

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Ty wore this Burgundy suit which might I add, made him look sexy as hell. He hates when I call him sexy because he's all "I'm gay!" and "you're ugly" but I know he has some love for me.

Before we left Zuri and Ty got into another argument about how they shouldn't be matching, I had to block the flatiron that was thrown at Ty, but I finally got them under control

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Before we left Zuri and Ty got into another argument about how they shouldn't be matching, I had to block the flatiron that was thrown at Ty, but I finally got them under control.

Being a mother of two is hard work, believe it or not.

The driver came to get us and I started arguing with Ty about who gets the front seat. I jumped onto Ty's back and kicked him as we were arguing over the hot driver. The driver broke us up and smirked at me, and I knew I had him.

Ty rolled his eyes and got in the back seat as the driver opened the door for me. He even touched my arm and I got chills. This man was so fucking fine, I couldn't even think!


Authors note:

Yes, the dress was changed. Iykyk🤦🏾‍♀️

Ignore the faces unless that is how you imagined the characters to look.

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