I can't live without you, baby

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Enzo Romano-

I got off the phone with Bonnie a few minutes ago. She was saying something about "promises". I don't know know what she meant but whatever it was, it wasn't as important as this. I walked into the warehouse and headed straight for the torture section.

I pushed the door open and here sits "Evan Myers". The man that tried to "take" Bonnie on the floor. The man who thought he could hurt what's mine and get away with it. Oh, no, no, no!

⚠️ EXTREME torture‼️⚠️

"You fucking Devil! Putting me in here with this Demon!" Evan screamed at me while talking about Bel. Bel held his heart in hurt and I held my heart also.

"Ouch, did anyone ever teach you to never call people out of their names?" I asked while acting hurt. The man said something and I ignored it. I went over to Bel who put gloves and an apron on me. I touched Bel shoulder and held my heart to thank him.
"Put him on the fucking table!" I yelled after putting all jokes aside.

"Yes, Capo!" Bel said then went over to lift him out of the chair.

I went over to the "table of torture" and tried to decide the best punishment.
"What to choose? What to choose?" I repeated as I tapped my chin. A smile crept its way on my face as I lifted the knife and acid. I also picked up the Whiskey bottle for an extra kick.

" doo, doo, dodo," I sang as I walked back to the table. I leaned on the table with my head rested on my hands and I smiled.
"Is this your first time?" I asked while smiling. The man looked at me as if I was crazy and sounded a "hmm?"
"Like, is this your first time getting tortured, Evan? If so I am giving you the nicest...torture!" I said while clapping my hands.

The man looked at me in horror but I rolled my eyes. My smile turned upside down in a matter of seconds.
"Welcome to my mother fucking hell!" I yelled then stood up. "Unbutton!" I ordered to Bel. He gave me a weird look before unbuttoning the man's shirt.

"Not them buttons, these buttons!" I yelled at him while pointing to his pants. Bel reached down and unbuttoned the man's pants as the Man struggled.

"Please! I'm begging you!" The man said as I started to pull down the man's boxers. Evans dick came to show and let me tell you this, it's small. "Where's the rest of it?" I asked while looking a Bel.

"Well, how am I going to cut something that isn't even there?" I asked Bel who just shrugged his shoulders.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and listened to the man cry. When I realized he was crying I gave him a side-eye.

"I have yet to even touch you!" I yelled at him while he was still crying. I shook my head and tried to think.

"Bel, send Big Janney!" I yelled causing Bel to side-eye me and slightly nod.
"Who the hell is Big Janney, man!" the man yelled. I just ignored him because I was still feeling bad about the "small" Incident.

"I-I just don't understand? Was there a deficiency or something when you were born or-

"Stop talking about it and No!" The man yelled at me. I picked up the knife and dragged it across his pantie line.
"Stop, man! Fuck!" Evan yelled. I pulled the knife away then grabbed his hand. I laid it flat on the table before playing hopscotch with the hand and knife.
"Oops, sorry!" I yelled as I ended up landing on his finger. He screamed in pain and I just shrugged my shoulder and tried to play again.

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