The Devil & his Demon

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Bonnie Davis

"Can I please have a ten piece chicken nugget meal with...." I finished up telling my order as I was fixated on the ring that was on my finger.

Enzo finally let me leave the house...BY MYSELF! Like, I have been out for thirty minutes and the first place I went to was Macdonald's. When I got my food I went and parked in the parking lot-

"Hello?" I got interrupted as my phone started ringing, so I answered.
"Where are you?" Enzo asked through the phone,  I rolled my eyes and shoved a nugget into my mouth.
"I'm muntching on theee nggety...whatch!" I tried to tell him what I was eating, mouth was full.

"Why the hell are you talking like that, Bon?" Enzo asked me as I swallowed the nuggets and sipped my drink.

"I'm eating chicken nuggets at Macdonald's!" I let out while rolling my eyes, he did a hum in acknowledgment and I mentally flipped him off.

"Can I stay on the phone-

"I.....Oh my....the sig-....nal is you later...bye!" I stated before hanging up. I took a deep breath and was so happy I put the acting skills to work-

I jumped at the hard knocks coming from my window and I looked over to see one of Enzo's guards, he was holding his phone up with Enzo's angry face printed on it.

"Oh, fuck me! Give it!" I said while rolling down the window and taking the phone. Enzo smirked at me and waved.

"What do you want...Before the phone go out...again" I said to him, he looked at me through the phone while he was driving.

"Pay attention to the road before you cr-...ENZO!" I yelled as he swirved off the road, but then got back on it. I was scared out of my mind and my heart was beating so fast, but when he looked back in the phone...he smirked.

"Oh, you bitch!" I yelled as I figured out he did that on purpose, he laughed and I flipped him off then hung up.
"Play to fucking much!" I whispered to myself then shoved a fry into my mouth.

"And he says he needs a cigar for stress, like bitch! I'm fucking stressed, that whiny piece of shi-

"Can I get my phone back?"  The guard asked and I handed it to him.

"If Enzo call just please don't give it to me." I told him then drove off. I tried to get far away from the guard as I could since he was slowly walking to his car.

I went inside this shopping store and grabbed a few supplies, mostly lady supplies. Enzo had the maid stock up on so many lady things for me in his closet, but I still like grabbing different things.

Like, I have a huge drawer full of pads and tampons, it also has many perfumes and shampoos it's unbelievable, really.

I left the store and decided to do a few business arrangement for my upcoming mission. They found Micheal and the rest of my team, but they had a hard time settling in, so I'm trying to convince Enzo to let me go at it alone.

I made it to Enzo's warehouse because I decided to handle a few things on my own. When I walked in the guards nodded and bowed down in respect for me and I did it back.

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