They betrayed us!

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Bonnie Davis-

I have been locked in this stupid room for two hours. The door is made of steel, so it's impossible to break out of and the tv...not so good!

I'm starving, I haven't eaten dinner, it's almost 11:30 pm according to the tv. Enzo will have hell to pay when I get out of the fucking room. Oh, and the things that I'm bout to do too little miss Pinkie Perfect.
As a smile formed its way on my face, the door unlocked.

I jumped up from the floor and waited for my unwanted guest to come in.

"Oh! She ruined the room!" Candy yelled to Enzo as they walked in with a plate of food. I looked around the room to see the bed was pushed away, the closet door was ripped off, the bedsheet was on the floor, and the note was torn up into little bitty pieces.

"Oh, you'll have to excuse my little mess. I wasn't expecting visitors." I stated as I picked up the blanket.
"Tha-...that's quite all right, Bonfire. Next time clean up or I won't be so nice!" She threatened then sat the plate down on the table.
I looked at the plate of food, then to Enzo, who's eyes never left the ground.

"Make sure when you kill my uncle. You wipe any memory of what he did to me away." I stated causing him to stare at me. I tapped my chin as if I'm thinking.
"Oh! Wait, you can't! I wanted to do it because I wanted to be the cause of all of his pain. I wanted to be the devil in his eyes. I wanted him to feel what I felt, my whole life! But you're taking that away! Just like you took my freedom and friends. J-Just like to take m-my love. Just like you took my v-virginity and my trust in you! I can't continue this anymore!" I yelled then threw the plate.

"I'm not eating! I'm not sleeping and I'm definitely not living!" I shouted then walked to the bed and sat down.
" guys have a lovely little life and little babies. I'm sure they'll look just like you and he wouldn't want them!" I stated with a smile on my face and stared at Candy. She gasped while holding her heart and ran out of the room.

Enzo stood there at the entrance. I know he couldn't think of anything to say because he always has comebacks.

"B-... Bonnie, I'm sorry! When I realized that I had to lose you...there was a pain in my heart! I still love you and I'm glad I was your first! Everything I have done has been for you and I'm sorry that you don't trust me, amore!" he got on his knees and took my hand as I cried.
"Sometimes, we can't choose our love! Life's not fair, I learned that from my father. The man who was supposed to protect me and always love me. You you Are my love and I will always love you! My heart and mind can't bare the thought of leaving you. So, I had to keep you...for your protection and mine!" He said as he wiped the tears from my face. He sat on the bed beside me and pulled me onto him.

I let him comfort me, knowing he will be with...her. I know he'll leave me and go be with her but there's so much pain swirling around in my head.

"Enzo, just t-tell me why! Just tell m-me, who you're protecting me from! You at least owe me that! The tears and pain that I suffered for you! I at least need to know why Enzo!" I asked as I stood up from his lap. When I looked into his eyes they were blurry.

"What is it?" I asked, walking up to him.

"If I tell you, you'll never believe me, amore," he said while grabbing my face.

"Try me!" I said while sitting on the bed. He sat beside me and took a deep breath.

"There...There are people, people who are way more powerful than me. I know shocking!" He said causing me to laugh a little. He smiled then continued.

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