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Bonnie Davis

"Just friendly?" I asked him. He nodded and sipped some of his wine. I snatched the wine from him and placed it on the edge of the table.

"Bonnie, give me my glass back!" he demanded. Lexi laughed, but I didn't see shit funny.
"No, I want to see just how friendly these Waitresses are!" I demanded before I knocked the glass on the ground.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I said as I stood up and tried to pick it up. The women hurried to clean it up.

"It's okay, just sit down, ma'am!" the man said as he grabbed my arm and waist then sat me down. I heard Zuri and Raven laugh causing me to suppress mine. The man rubbed my arm before walking away with a wink, the woman came with the bread and handed it to Enzo as she looked at him and Ty and bit her lip.

"We have some very attractive men and women at this table." the woman said to her colleagues. Enzo grabbed my arm before I could stand up and I laughed.

"These bitches chose the right table today, I've been waiting to drag a bitch since Candy!" I whispered. Lexi took off her earring as the other woman bit her lip at Antonio, Antonio laughed at the woman and Lexi made an evil laugh.

"What you said, Bonnie, What you said!" Lexi said as she grabbed her wine and sipped it. Enzo, Antonio, and Ty were looking at each other as if they didn't know what to do, but that changed when the woman, that I kissed Enzo in front of, passed me with a hot plate and burned my arm. I jumped up and held my arm as the woman kept walking.

"That fucking bitch!" I yelled. Enzo tried to look at my arm, but I was trying to struggle out of his hold.

"Enzo, let me go-

"No!" he yelled. Zuri stood up but Elijah blocked her causing Lexi and Ty to stand.

"Really? You are all just going to block us off?" Ty asked. Ty only stood because he is overprotective over us, if we fight his ass will fight too.

"Ty sit down!" Raven demanded. Ty gave Raven a look and so did I because I never heard him be angry like that before. Ty raised his hand in surrender and sat down slowly, Enzo continued to look at the burn to see it wasn't bad. I know it wasn't bad, but the bitch still bumped me.

"Hey, you bumped her with that hot plate, apologize! Now!" Enzo yelled at her.

"Oh, I am so sorry! Are you guys okay-

I pushed the bitch back as she caressed Enzo's shoulder causing Lexi to laugh.

"Don't touch him!" I yelled. The woman ran away and I pushed Enzo.

"Too fucking friendly-

"Are you okay, ma'am?" the man came to ask me. I gave Zuri a look causing Ty to laugh and sip his wine.

"No, the woman was touching on my man and burned my arm," I said in a low voice. The man looked at my arm, but not before staring at my boobs for five seconds. I grabbed Enzo's arm as he huffed from behind me.

"Your meal will be on the house because of that, ma'am. I'll talk to her, personally." he stated.

"Thank you," I said as I held my heart and held his shoulder. He nodded before leaving, Enzo grabbed his phone from the table and dialed a number.

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